Jacobs University Bremen Decisions!

<p>well, whatever.</p>

<p>so is the existence of NYUAD also a marketing tool? 60KUSD a year, all grant. LOL
Now after reading your post, I am much relieved cuz I avoided my fate of becoming a victim of the marketing tool…</p>

<p>Let’s take another example of sumthin called Ranking and REPUTATION?
If I tell you to mention top 100 Univs in the world, you might mention kyoto univ.
But if you were to study classical language or international relations, you should rather choose Colgate or Macalester. However if you just stick to the rankings and reputation, for Christ’s sake…</p>

<p>The annual cost of HKU is around 15,000 EURO and the estimated cost of Colgate is around 35,000 EURO. But the elite students would rather choose Colgate but put HKU in their list as SAFETY. </p>

<p>Are there really so many fools eh?</p>

<p>'The so called ‘unique experience’ and ‘college fit’ is an American phenomenon, it exists almost nowhere else '</p>

<p>Then you are absolutely wrong again. It exists everywhere.
Well, if you believe that this kind of phenomenon just exist among the colleges in America then this is just because that you do not know much about the current situations in some other parts of the world.</p>

<p>Oh, I forgot to mention that the HYPers at Herman-Boese Gymnasium in Bremen would rather choose Universitaet Hamburg rather than Yale…</p>

<p>‘Jacobs is inferior to virtually all public European universities.’</p>

<p>Do you realli think that University Tallina is BETTER than JUB?</p>

<p>(Chinese students who just have got a 80 on TOEFL could get in with ease…)</p>



<p>Everybody gets a grant do they? Don’t be so naive.</p>



<p>Little of that made sense and you have clearly misunderstood all that I have said. Of course rankings aren’t everything and of course a universities reputation can be subject dependent - but this isn’t relevant to anything I or anybody else has said. I was talking about the general publics (i.e. individuals and employers) view of what is and isn’t a quality university.</p>



<p>You’re only deluding yourself. It certainly doesn’t exist in Europe. Most people in the world pick a university for its academics, not because the campus matches their temperament or a similar BS reason.</p>


What is your point? The University of Hamburg is a good university, so it’s hardly comparable to places like Jacobs, which just isn’t.</p>



<p>You mean Tallinn University in Estonia? Yes.</p>

<p>JUB had the highest single amount of endowment given to any university in Europe! They have improved everything from Research labs to classrooms. Plus they have a very good relation with Carnegie Mellon and Lafayette. They are interdisciplinary in their education which HARDLY ANY public university is.</p>


<p>The whole deal with fit and all might be very American but I believe it is something that is important to a lot of people. </p>

<p>You are right that it is not considered as much (actually not at all IMO) in University admissions in Europe and a large proportion of the world for that matter (specifically the UK.) But that is not something that the UK universities should be proud of.</p>

<p>I always say that the US Universities sell you an experience, the UK ones sell you academics. None of these two approaches is better than the other, but some students would thrive better in one places than the other.</p>

<p>I have received attainable offers from Imperial, UCL, Sheffield, Manchester and Aston but I am geared more towards the holistic student life at the US colleges, and thus I am hoping and praying I get into a good school there. If that does not work out, I will be hard pressed choosing between UCL, Imperial and Jacobs. Jacobs, which is, as you have so eloquently pointed out, inferior according to the rankings, (moreso compared to UCL which is ranked 4th in the world according to USNWR world university rankings) will still be a major contender in this decision because of the american style of education in offers. Specifically interdisciplinary classes, ease of access to exchange programs and the most important to me, UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES. This are things that I have found the UK universities to lack. </p>

<p>And regarding that rather snide comment about the expense. A lot of universities (top ones any way) offer financial aid to students to help finance this, something expensive public institutions in the UK cannot.</p>



<p>Got any proof to support that foolish assertion?</p>



<p>I think it is. I’m proud of the fact that universities in the UK are principally still places of education and research, and not merely extensions of high school where students go to ‘find themselves’ instead of the pursuit of learning, which often takes a back seat.</p>



<p>I don’t understand what people mean when they say this. Do undergrads in the US engage in proper research? I doubt it, it’d be very poor research if they did.</p>

<p>‘Everybody gets a grant do they? Don’t be so naive.’</p>

<p>you are trying to ‘distort’ my point. I did not say that every one has got a full ride. But most of the Chinese applicants do receive full ride. You do not even need to send CSS Profile or ISFAA to the financial aid office. </p>

<p>‘I was talking about the general publics (i.e. individuals and employers) view of what is and isn’t a quality university.’<br>
Kofi Annan studied at Macalester, but does macalester share a great overseas reputation? LOL. many people do not even know Macalester, but yeah…they know Blah Blah Sate or for instance, Blah blah blah univ in Britain. So sacarstic…</p>

<p>‘You’re only deluding yourself. It certainly doesn’t exist in Europe. Most people in the world pick a university for its academics, not because the campus matches their temperament or a similar BS reason.’</p>

<p>First, I was talking about the global phenomenon.
Next, I was talking about the course set, and the future opportunities. —>academics. </p>

<p>Then how could you explain about U MASS AMHERST? It’s not reputatious in a global context but its department of linguistics is among top 3s in the states.
So if one intends to purse a MA. of linguistics should rather attend U MASS AMHERST than… lets say…LSE?
The rank or the ‘age’ of the univ can never represent its academic quality.</p>

<p>of course the geographical condition, the climate should also be taken into consideration. (If one who has got allergy to sun light should not choose florida unless he wants to get burnt)</p>

<p>‘What is your point? The University of Hamburg is a good university, so it’s hardly comparable to places like Jacobs, which just isn’t.’</p>

<p>I am comparing it with YALE not with JUB. The logics of europeans is really quite hard to understand, which to people in the rest parts of the world, might seem kinda ‘insane’.</p>

<p>‘You mean Tallinn University in Estonia? Yes’</p>

<p>Then, my advice is, do not argue wiv us any longer, just go to the campus of JUB and tell students there to enroll at Tallinna Uelikool. </p>

<p>BTW. you have not even taken courses at JUB and, you are not that familiar with the american colleges so how could you make such assertions or assumptions? It is not that nice…</p>



<p>and for your information the undergraduate research done in most Us Colleges is top notch! Due to the large amount of resources available (than very few to none universities in the UK have) and the guidance of faculty, the research done is so significant that a large percent of it gets published!! </p>

<p>You seem to live in a bubble. Try and research other forms of learning and look at the pros and cons of each instead of bluntly hating of other forms of learning! I respect the Uk form of education for what it is and acknowledge that it is a better (here it comes) ‘fit’ for many people. Just appreciate the the us form is just a good (and even better for some). </p>

<p>Your belittling of the other forms of education speaks volumes about your education and how it has prepared you for other point of view. </p>

<p>I hope you are enjoying your time at Kings College, UCL, LSE, Imperial, or whatever good institution in London that you are in. I hope you enjoy your time there.</p>

<p>haha kimathi,your responses are 100percent spot on.JUB is merely 10 years old,and to try to evaluate the quality of an education based on some unverified rankings make no sense.UK universities are okay,but I would personally prefer the wholistic Jacobs approach which fosters critical thinking over the mindless memorization so typical of the UK education.And furthermore the American college experience and FIT does count for something in enhancing the learning process.</p>



<p>I’m not trying to ‘distort’ your post at all; I inferred that expensive American universities with overseas campuses are conning people by having them believe that they’re outposts of academic excellence when they’re actually anything but. You then replied saying I was wrong because those places offer aid to everyone, which is not true. The rest of your post seems to have descended into almost indiscernible babble, but I’ll try to reply as best I can.</p>



<p>I guess they would, given that the LSE does not have any linguistics programmes.</p>



<p>Discounting a university because it’s in the tropics is quite a bit different to discounting one because it’s less picturesque than other places. Why do you feel the need to make such exaggerations whenever you reply to my posts?</p>



<p>I see, you’re comparing two universities that are both wholly unrelated to this discussion? </p>



<p>Resources and faculty guidance (read: lots of help) does not make up for the fact that undergrads do not know how to conduct research. UG research sounds more like student projects to me. Published in what though?</p>



<p>Please don’t think I’m attacking all American colleges or the liberal arts in general, I’m not. I respect the liberal arts for what they are, even if I wouldn’t like it myself; but I can not respect places like Jacobs or the many American colleges abroad who effectively con willing Americans out of huge sums of cash for a mediocre education.</p>



<p>Have you experienced a UK education? I’m unfamiliar with this mindless memorisation you’re referring to. Yes you need to remember things you’ve learnt, otherwise you wouldn’t learn anything - but we do a lot more than just learning facts and figures.</p>

<p>^^^ Please stop we have heard enough. And we;ll let the admitted candidates decide which univ to attend. </p>

<p>If you have by any chance applied to JUB do share your stats and decision. This is a Decision thread please cooperate.</p>

<p>I understand that you are very loyal to public system of education and no matter what we say you will stick to it for the good. We understand.</p>

<p>Sorry I couldn’t resist : <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/9549036-post9.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/9549036-post9.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>That… was informative. ^_^</p>

<p>Suffices to say I don’t agree with that post, but what exactly was your point in posting it? I keep being told not to post because I’m off topic, but that post didn’t even mention JUB.</p>

<p>^ if you have a problem with jacobs Dionysus58, keep all those problems to yourself, or just go blow up the jacobs university building. please do not share your hatred for jacobs with us. thank you, go get a life.</p>

<p>Dionysus,this is a thread about JUB.The people who are posting threads see the value in a Jacobs education,and may very well be attending.Your UNWARRANTED and NEEDLESS criticism is just misdirected and meaningless to those of us not blinded by the sensationalist tactics of rankings which are almost always flawed and dubious.Please take your negative rants elsewhere,this is not the forum to clamour for attention.thats what HSL is for,kay?</p>

<p>I will not withhold my opinion for fear of displeasing you or anybody else, I must say it is rather childish for you to expect me to.</p>


Good Imperial students get funded research projects during the summer (6-10 weeks). Check out Imperial UROP.</p>


<p>But hey guys…may I know where you from? </p>

<p>JUB is really a place of diversity. =D</p>

<p>ΛZimbabwe.Reconquista,lets start a JUB fan club :P</p>