Jacobs University Bremen Decisions!

<p>Thats not bad! I’ll let you know if and when I get the ILOT (international young leader of tomorrow) award. Its though the amount varies, more often than not it is full tuition and living expenses! :)</p>

<p>@ Kimathi- Alright man, Best of luck! Is UBC ur top choice?</p>

<p>No not really! I’ve applied to a couple of schools in the US as well! Stanford is actually my first choice, although it’s unlikely that i’ll get in! We’ll see in a while… :slight_smile: UBC is yours?? Whats your intended major?</p>

<p>@ Reconquista
thanx a lot! im working on my application :slight_smile:
i was thinking about foundation year-cuz ill be just 17, but they said after my application will be submitted they will decide whether ill go for bachelor degree or FY. sooo but isnt there a special application for Foundation Year? im little confused now…</p>

<p>@ derzessa.</p>

<p>well think about one problem first.</p>

<p>If you were admitted to the foundation year, then you would still need to work on college application and stuff like that.</p>

<p>but if you were already determined to study as a college student, then it might be better not go to the foundation year program.</p>

<p>considering your age, well… it’s hard to say whether you should really apply for the foundation year program or not. but, what really matters is to follow yourself.</p>

<p>pS:Admission qualifications listed below:</p>

<p>High school diploma (or local equivalent)
English language skills equivalent to the B1 level of the European Framework (approximately 57-89 on the TOEFL iBT / 5.5 on the IELTS (Australia) / 5.0 on the IELTS (UK))
A willingness to study in an open and international environment
The rolling admission process begins February 15th and ends August 1st. Students who require a visa for Germany should apply by June 15th. </p>

<p>Some information: </p>

<p>Students who complete the program successfully and attain Jacobs admission criteria will be granted admission to Jacobs University’s undergraduate program. </p>

<p>[Foundation</a> Year Academic Program | Jacobs University](<a href=“http://www.jacobs-university.de/foundation-academics]Foundation”>http://www.jacobs-university.de/foundation-academics)
[Foundation</a> Year Fees and Services | Jacobs University](<a href=“http://www.jacobs-university.de/foundation-fees]Foundation”>http://www.jacobs-university.de/foundation-fees)
[Admission</a> to the Foundation Year Program | Jacobs University](<a href=“http://www.jacobs-university.de/foundation-admission]Admission”>International Foundation Year | Constructor University)</p>

<p>By the end of this month, i expect there will be some healthy activity in here.</p>

<p>Mind sharing your stats, derzesssa?</p>

<p>@ Reconquista
yeah i know. thanx :slight_smile:
i need to do it as soon as i can. omg
oh and im from Siberia haha forgot u asked me :slight_smile:
and what about u? </p>

sat-(ik its very low)- 1480 alltogether
but im gonna retake it</p>

<p>Anymore Jacobs Decision???</p>

<p>Yeah, any more decisions? Any Round 2 ones?</p>

<p>I’m still waiting for mine…haven’t heard anything since I turned it in February 14th.
I can’t wait to find out!!
Am I only gonna get the decision by mail or email or how does it work?</p>

<p>E-mail notification,then a follow up e-mail with the scholarship info if you get one.</p>

<p>Thanks MacMill.</p>

<p>What do you guys think?</p>

<li>SAT score of 1820</li>
<li>TOEFL score of 110</li>
<li>German Abitur with a score of 1,9 (1 being the best, 6 being the worst)</li>
<li>Finishing my trainee as a Bankkaufmann (certified banker) at a well known private bank<br>
right now</li>
<li>Activities such as vice president of the local church board</li>

<p>Does anyone have the exact idea when the decisions will be released?
It says 6-8 weeks on their website. That means we have at least one more week to wait?</p>


<p>Abi 1,9…du hast schon sehr sehr gut gemacht!!! </p>

<p>BTW. woher kommst du denn? =D</p>

<p>U did pretty well on Toefl but the SAT is a lil bit…well, actually it does not really matter a lot.</p>

<p>I’m from Bremen, so Jacobs would be a home game for me :D</p>

<p>I talked to an admissions counselor today and she told me that decisions will be sent out this coming week. She didn’t know the exact day but some time next week for sure!!!</p>

<p>Man, am I nervous or what?! :wink:
Who else is waiting?</p>

<p>If youre from Bremen,then I guess its pretty much a no-brainer.You are in.</p>

I thought it would rather be a disadvantage that I’m not from a different country.</p>


<p>=D Du bist aus Bremen!!! So cool!</p>

<p>But it wont be a disadvantage that you aint from a diff country.</p>

<p>And…JUB is an american styled univ, so…to them, maybe the americans are ‘domestic students’ while…Germans are international students? =D</p>

<p>the decision will be sent out next week? OMG time to get nervous! Anyone here in Round 2 ?</p>


<p>count me in.</p>

<p>Viel Glück!!</p>
