January 15 Decisions are in the mail

<p>According to the Milwaukee Journal, the January 15 decisions will not be posted online.</p>

<p>Early</a> applicants to UW must wait longer for acceptance decisions - JSOnline</p>

<p>Interesting... thanks for the article:</p>

<p>Early applicants to UW must wait longer for acceptance decisions
By Erica Perez of the Journal Sentinel </p>

<p>Posted: Jan. 16, 2009</p>

<p>Students who applied to the University of Wisconsin-Madison by the early November deadline in the hope of getting big news by Jan. 15 might have to wait a few more days. </p>

<p>The university started a new admissions process this year, saying it would make decisions by Jan. 15 for students who applied by Nov. 15. </p>

<p>The school met its deadline, but the admissions office delayed posting the decisions online because officials prefer the students get the news through the mail - either with a big, fat acceptance packet that screams yes, or a sensitively worded denial that comforts while saying no, said Director of Admissions Robert Seltzer.</p>

<p>So some students checking their mailboxes or obsessively monitoring their status on the UW admissions Web site may have to wait about five to seven days.</p>

<p>So far, 21,000 students have applied, Seltzer said. As of Thursday afternoon, the school had admitted 7,800 who were extremely qualified and "postponed" 3,500 - meaning the university will take another look at these students' applications later in the process. Officials are aiming to enroll about 5,700 freshmen this fall.</p>

<p>Postponed students get another chance to wow admissions officers by submitting midyear grades and any extra letters of recommendation. Decisions on postponed students come between the end of February and March 15.</p>

<p>"Probably three or four years ago, they would have been admitted, but our application volume has gone up dramatically in some years. . . . Therefore, more students that are very good, who we know can do the work here, we can't admit," Seltzer said.</p>

<p>Jack Liang, a 17-year-old high school senior from Ann Arbor, Mich., got postponed at UW, despite a 3.5 unweighted grade-point average, an ACT score of 30 and six Advanced Placement courses. </p>

<p>He feels slacking off is not an option.</p>

<p>"I was disappointed," Liang said. "But I know that if I keep up my grades, I still have a chance to be accepted."</p>