<p>any feedback from students on JES Weekend experience?
Will finalists get word on the JES before they get their normal financial aid package?
How many JES finalists were there for the weekend?</p>
<p>I think D said 118 :eek: invited. She had a ball. The Scripps/Mudd/CMC ball game vs. Pomona Pitzer was a high point as was her interview with Dr. Tang. Followed closely by the quality of Improv night, the Mudd boys outdoor couch exhibit, the beauty of the campus, and the quality of the students attending, the dorms, the pool, the women's basketball coach and on, on, and on. Really couldn't be much finer.</p>
<p>Any feedback on the dorms? classes? scholarship interview? anything else they liked or disliked? Are they expected to bring anything to the interview? What to wear? They say "casual," but are the others dressed in business attire? Expecting to hear back about scholarship before April 1? Any other important info? Thanks.</p>
Dorms: The newest one is beautiful and almost like a hotel, some of the older ones aren't quite as nice. Overall, generally impressive (and many rooms were much bigger than dorms I've seen elsewhere, especially the suites)
Classes: We didn't get to see any over the weekend, but there was time to meet with professors in subject areas we were interested in
Interview: The interview was very relaxed. We were not expected to bring anything and while some girls dressed up a little (casual skirt and top), many wore jeans (myself included).
Other feedback- In general the weekend was great and I liked Scripps a lot more than I'd anticipated I would. We're supposed to hear back about the scholarship at the same time we get our admissions decision, which I think is on or around April 1. Scripps had not been high on my list before the JES weekend but I am considering it a bit more seriously now. </p>
<p>Would any other info be helpful?</p>
<p>Pianogirl, did you meet a 5'11" brunette from Texas? LOL. I know y'all couldn't meet everybody but my D seemed to have met a bunch. LOL.</p>
<p>Curmudgeon- I met a number of cool girls from Texas, but we all met so many people so fast, I can't recall if I met a girl fitting that description!
Glad your daughter enjoyed the weekend also and best of luck to her on her college choice :)</p>
<p>I gave a 5C tour to a group of girls from Texas (Dallas and Waco, I believe). Might have seen your daughter there :-)</p>
<p>did you end up getting the JES from Scripps?</p>
I did end up getting the JES and was very excited for the news. At this point, I'm leaning strongly toward Princeton, but I'm glad to have a few more weeks to make a decision!</p>
<p>What does JES stand for and how many students receive this scholarship each year?</p>
<p>The JES scholarship = The James E. Scripps scholarship.</p>
<p>Something in my head says that about 50 JES scholarships are awarded each year, but I could definitely be misremembering that. I also feel like there are around or a bit over 100 finalists per year, but again, this is a figure based on nothing more than the foggy memory of a recent grad.</p>
<p>There are no cut-and-dry requirements for the scholarship...it isn't automatic...but it's generally said to be quite numbers-driven. In Fall '06, I heard from a staff member that the average SAT of recipients had been 1500+/1600. Anecdotally, the recipients I've spoken with have been choosing between Scripps/CSU Fresno full ride (chose Scripps), Scripps/Stanford (chose Stanford), and Scripps/Yale/Harvard WL (chose Scripps). </p>
<p>There's absolutely nothing to be lost by applying for the JES scholarship, just be aware that the deadline is earlier than RD. You should be able to find out more info from the admissions office...contact info is at the bottom of the linked page.</p>
<p>Sad to say, I think someone from my high school is being invited for this scholarship. I don’t mean to be rude, but in my opinion if she is able to be invited to this weekend then I don’t see why I wasn’t. I had a class with her last year and no one liked her, nor did the students or the teacher think she was very intelligent, even though she did have very high PSAT scores and is apparently taking online classes through Stanford. Not only that, but I don’t think she even knows the name of this scholarship, and has been saying to fellow classmates that she has already been offered the scholarship. And she spells Pomona, Pamona (and is applying there as well).</p>
<p>But alas, nevermind my bitterness… I am an overnight hostess and tour guide so to anyone who is invited this year, maybe I will meet you! :D</p>
<p>Scripps is full of wonderful, good-hearted, talented students, but there’s only so much merit money to go around. I so empathize, but the only advice I have is that you trust the process, imperfect though it may be. JES or no JES, gracieloos, you ended up in a great place (and judging from your position as an overnight host + guide, are making the most of it!) :)</p>
<p>Best of luck to this year’s JES candidates. Enjoy the weekend, and please do post thoughts!</p>
<p>gracieloos I imagine that this young woman’s credentials got her the invite but that her personality may be a barrier to actually receiving it. Things work out :)</p>
<p>have all notifications been sent then?</p>
<p>If you didn’t make the scholarship cut please do not give up hope. I have heard that many who do not get the JES scholarship still get other scholarships and grants that add up to about the same amount of money. We visited Scripps in 2007 and it is a beautiful campus, and the girls were all very nice and accessible. Not all the girls who attend the weekend will receive the scholarship either, though I believe many still get other monies from Scripps. Hopefully you will find another way to visit, possibly for their Spend a Day in Our Shoes day for accepted students.</p>
<p>Good luck with Scripps and all the other colleges you are applying to.</p>
<p>frantastic agree that Scripps may be within financial reach even w/o JES and good luck! </p>
<p>orygunmum: How many schools do our girls have in common?</p>