Johns Hopkins Vacation Housing

<p>I will be a freshman at Johns Hopkins this fall. I'm signing up for the vacation housing option, but I am a bit concerned because I've heard that vacation houses are mostly filled with international students who may be a bit cliquey. I read on college confidential that all the Turkish students in the vacation houses only speak Turkish to each other and so on. Could a non-international student easily fit in in the vacation houses? Is it true that most of the students in the vacation houses are international students?</p>

<p>Most vacation housing students are international, and quite cliquey. During my freshman year the 4th floor of Wolman west was known as Korea, as most of the students on that floor were Korean internationals who are quite cliquey. However, there are students in vacation housing from places like California, as well as athletes who need to stay over spring break. And there are plenty of opportunities to make friends on other floors.</p>

<p>While most vacation housing is international students, I had a much different experience during my freshman year. They were not cliquey at all but instead rather social and got to know people outside of their own floor. Like most floors in Wolman, they did have a strong friendship amongst each other, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t branch out like everyone else.</p>