johns hopkins vs. cornell vs. upenn for premed

<p>whats the best out of 3 for premed
are other colleges such as berkeley, university of michigan, ucla, usc, university of chicago good for premed?</p>

<p>What school can you most easily get the As that you need??? That is the real question.</p>

<p>i heard johns hopkins undergrad was really hard...
but im not sure about cornell
now, im planning to apply to cornell ED</p>

<p>I would say that you are accurate that JHU is competitive and Cornell as well. You could choose any major however and thus avoid the classic BIO/CHEM majors with all of the other MDwannabees. All you need is enough to score well on your MCAT. Any major will due. Any selective school is filled with wannabeJDs and wannabeMDs.....prepare yourself.</p>

<p>but isnt it really hard to take med school required classes with a nonscience major?</p>

<p>you can take any course at cornell as long as you have filled the prerequisites for it.</p>