Johnson Scholarship -- Class of 2022

Nothing on our end. The. FA portal won’t load.

@DisPointed @collegekid791243 @LauraFoster Congrats to you all!! And @gclsports I just saw the email, too. Good luck!! :slight_smile:

Just got an email from W&L saying that decisions on Johnson Scholarships will be available in the portal tomorrow at 8 p.m.

D texted me that she got an email about the portal update tomorrow at 8.

Same here about the email

I am so nervous now!

My D got it. Good luck to everyone. Hope to see you on move in day.

I got it!!! So happy!

Thank you so much to @yauponredux and others for advice and encouragement. I am a teacher, and I will pay it forward for sure, as will D.

Got it as well!

Congrats! I look forward to seeing you guys this fall!

So happy to hear so many of our CC kids got the Johnson scholarship and glad to help (@katespeare, I was also a teacher for many years)! It was a terrific experience for our D, and graduating debt-free opened up options for her that she would never have had otherwise. Here is an excerpt from her thank you note to Mr. Johnson at the end of her time at W&L:

“Throughout my college search process, W&L was always a very close second for me. However, receiving the Johnson Scholarship cemented my decision about which school to attend. Within my first week here, I realized that W&L should have been my number one choice all along. As I tell prospective families on my admissions tours, nowhere else have I encountered such a hard-working, driven, and compassionate group of people, including professors, administrators, and students. W&L students are smart without being pretentious and competitive without sacrificing our integrity. I have found encouraging mentors in professors and have made some of the best friends I will ever have. … Every day, I feel blessed to be a Washington and Lee student. I will always be grateful for the path that led me to the teachers, friends, and experiences I have found at W&L.”

@yauponredux That made me cry. My daughter is a freshman Johnson and she loves the school! For her Washington Break, she attended a program in NYC with other Johnsons–all expenses paid!

@luckymama64, I’m so glad your D is loving it (and envious of her Washington Break trip!).

When D’s longtime first choice school admitted her with no scholarship award, I worried that D felt disappointed no matter that W&L was better ranked, a good fit, a strong second choice, etc. When we visited for Parents Weekend her freshman year, she said that she was so happy there, she couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. We were fortunate to be able to spend time with her on campus a couple times a year (not having to write big tuition checks made it possible for us to afford those flights halfway across the country) and get to know some of her friends and professors. I could go on and on about the many kindnesses she experienced there from folks who went above and beyond - it is an amazing place.

Question for this great group: As Johnson Scholars or even invitees to the interviews, did you apply EDI, EDII or regular decision? (trying to get an understanding if applying ED is required for Johnson Scholarship consideration. Thanks

7 years ago but my D was regular decision and was invited.

@SOoverthis My D got a Johnson and applied RD. W&L is very clear about not applying ED if a Johnson Scholarship is necessary for you to attend. W&L is also clear that some ED candidates interview and may get a Johnson. ED doesn’t help you or hinder you in this case.

ED apps could be considered but were not required for Johnson applicants - the Johnson application deadline was 12/1 the year my D applied.

D is a freshman at W&L and loves it. She was not invited to Johnson weekend. She applied ED. She had very high stats. While admissions is clear that ED is not a factor, I am yet to find anyone who applied ED and received a Johnson. I’m sure they do exist, but they seem to be a rare breed. Last year, I asked admissions if they would tell me the percentage of ED vs RD of the Johnson Weekend invites. They would not.

Our family will never know if ED kept her from getting invited or if her essay or ECs weren’t good enough. I hate thinking the RD/ED decision may have cost her the scholarship. Therefore I strongly recommend that your child apply RD. At a minimum, it will keep you from second guessing your decision. Best case, it gets your child a great scholarship to a great school.

I applied RD and got the Johnson a week ago.

Does anyone know whether W&L pays for the admitted student day’s trips? I personally don’t think it is necessary for me to visit again after my Johnson interview, but my parents have never been there before and I thought it might be nice for them to see what a great school it is.