Journalism/communications internships at NYU?

<p>I am just wondering what type of internships do you feel you mostly get as an NYU student majoring in the journalism,communication, or broadcast field? I would like to go to NYU because I feel I will have many opportunities there. Also, the interships you can get from being in the city are ridiculous. An internship at Cosmpolitan,MTV,FuseTV would be ideal. However, I have heard that not everybody can get those types of internships and they do not consider NYU students first for those types of internships which I found weird because NYU is one of the most popular schools around. </p>

<p>What has been your experience? Have you found yourself or your friends getting crappy internships?</p>

<p>My friend at NYU is a mcc major and I think he got an internship at Weber Shandwick, which is a global PR company. I know of someone who did work with marketing Twitter, too. Given that it’s NYC I think you’ll have a lot of access to intern opportunities that others in different locations would really want!</p>