Journalism Major - Indiana, Mizzou or GW?

<p>My daughter has been admitted to Indiana University as an Ernie Pyle Scholar, Mizzou J-School as a Journalism Scholar and GW as a direct admit to SMPA with a generous scholarship. She is interested in magazine journalism (writing and editing) and convergence journalism. Any thoughts or recommendations?</p>

<p>Indiana is very good for print journalism. Honestly, they’d all be very good, but GW is right in the best city to be in for said career. Mizzou’s journalism school is exceptionally good, but I think a degree from Indiana or GW would be better for her in the long run. Has she visited any of them? I don’t think she can make an honest decision without seeing them in person. Hope that helped. (Also, go for whoever gave her the most money!) I’m an aspiring journalist going to college this fall as well. I applied to Indiana but they were not generous with money and it’s too far for me. Go terps!</p>