<p>Try and put your essay concerns in here. My topic was whether or not a society can treat everybody fairly, and I said no. I gave two examples, one with the freeing of the slaves and one with financial aid for college. Four paragraphs total.</p>
<p>I used sports and the book “The wealth of nations,” which was not the one I meant to use, I meant to use one we talked about in AP world but it’s been so long I guessed the title. Still a real book about the same topic though.</p>
<p>Three paragraphs + flimsy “conclusion”</p>
<p>eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssyyyyyyyyy essay!</p>
<p>ex 1 communism
ex 2 healthcare systems in europe how they treat everyone equally in a sense by giving them all free healthcare but it’s ruining the economy because it causes really high taxes</p>
<p>Just hope my grader isn’t european :x</p>
<p>I have a question:</p>
<li>say the SAT essay prompt is: Is it a mistake to value action over thought? (from the may sat prompts)</li>
<p>Let’s say my first sentence is: It is a categorical truth to value action over thought.</p>
<p>I meant however to say that it is a categorical FALLACY to value action over thought.
But then the progression of my introduction supports my real thesis, the fact that it is a fallacy to value action over thought.
My final sentence in the introduction is- We can see from ____ and ____ that we must value thought over action.</p>
<p>My essay uses great examples to support my real thesis that we must value thought over action with well-developed logic, ideas, progression etc.</p>
<p>My conclusion reiterates my real thesis, that thought wins over action.</p>
<p>How much would this detract from my essay score? I’m feeling a bit nervous since I messed up that first sentence.</p>
<p>Wow I thought of Communism too but had no time left.</p>
<p>I was wondering if I did this right (first SAT).
I wrote about how when given the same footing (ex: education) and liberty we can make whatever we want out of our lives. This makes society “fair” and “created equal” however we can never be “equal” in result.</p>
<p>-Animal Farm by George Orwell</p>
<p>-Women in America (1800s, 1900s, and now)</p>
<p>-Greek myths</p>
<p>I guess the essay prompt was different for internationals. Mine was “Should people know the source of information before using it?” It was too bad that I couldn’t fit a literature example, which could be lengthy… Dull examples from daily life…</p>
<p>ex 1 French Revolution
ex 2 Great Gatsby
ex 3 Court cases
I said no.</p>
<p>my topic is about popular culture and historic subjects…</p>
<p>Hey guys so my essay topic was whether society can ever become equal or someething along that line. I sort of panicked and couldn’t write to my best ability or use the best examples. I wrote in favor of the situation using examples such as 1.) Declaration of Independence-“All men are created equal”, 2.)Used the various civil rights acts passed throughout American history and 3.) The United States federal government itself represents equality in society through checks and balances, Great Compromise, etc.
I dont even know if these examples are adequate or even on topic with the given prompt. I wrote about a page and a half before time was called (i swear, proctor cut us off short). I feel like the essay i wrote wont even get an 7 or 8…help me out? What do you guys think…
Last SAT essay i wrote i got 10 if that means anything :P</p>
<p>I had the society one too. I talked about Occupy Wall Street and the survival of the fittest principle.</p>
<p>Did we need famous examples?</p>
<p>Mines was about Popular Culture and Traditional Literature …</p>
<p>the essay prompt was different for internationals. Mine was “Should people know the source of information before using it?” It was too bad to write any literature example my examples were awful :S</p>
<p>I had the one about society being fair - and used Anna May Wong and the Vietnam War…i hope those are okay o-o</p>
<p>I had the source of info one as well. I used Wikipedia, about how most of the information ends up being accurate even though it’s crowd sourced, and journalists - how scandals and corruption are exposed due to anonymous sources.</p>
<p>I also had the society prompt. I included examples about utopian societies and backed it up with things like the “city upon a hill” movement in the civilizations, the book “the giver”, communism in china, civil rights movement… i have no idea if i included way too many examples or not, anyone care to help me out? i lied and said i travelled to china. i disagreed with the matter. i honestly either got a 2 or got a 10. i have no idea… i am going crazy i just want to see my scores</p>
<p>*edit- i dont even know if i included a thesis… !!!</p>
<p>My topic was about pop culture. I can’t really recall the prompt but I used careers and The Beatles as an example. Idk.</p>
<p>Pop culture & tradition literary one, I used Scarlett letter, Shakespeare, “people” magazine, & MTV shows. & was against pop culture. And I said students should be open to the world in an intellectual and constructive way because pop culture is nonsense something along the line. CAN SOMEONE WITH THIS PROMPT TELL ME IM RIGHT OR WRONG?!??</p>