<p>english, math, and reading were a breeze and then i get to science and get pwned. i was doing so well! ahhhh</p>
<p>The first reading passage was possibly one of the worst pieces of readings I have ever read, though the questions that corresponded to it weren't really all that bad</p>
<p>Akittka, I am in the same boat. I was amazed on how well I was doing until the science section which was hell.</p>
<p>yeah i don't want to talk about it lol</p>
<p>The first science passage killed me. Anyone know what -2 in science usually equals?</p>
<p>^ Kaplan's conversion chart says -2 on the science section is a 32.</p>
<p>I thought everything was easy until science..and a couple math problems. I thought the practice ACT science sections in the Real ACT book were much easier...</p>
<p>^o god that is just brutal. I am predicting a 27 on that section :-'(</p>
<p>i dunno why but i thought the math was harder than all the ones in the Real ACT book.</p>
<p>whoa thats a harsh curve</p>
<p>when can we talk about the questions?</p>
<p>math and science were extraordinarily annoying if you know what i mean</p>
<p>According to the Real ACT prep guide a -2 in science could be a 35-33. i don't think it would ever be a 32 for -2!</p>
<p>I thought the science was easier than the ones in the Real ACT book..strange...</p>
<p>And I thought math was really easy</p>
<p>I got killed on science...</p>
<p>It was bloody.</p>
<p>It was brutal.</p>
<p>It was basically a massacre on my body and soul...</p>
<p>It's 8:30 in Hawaii, so I think we can start discussing, can't we?</p>
<p>English - Not too bad. There were like 2 questions where I wasn't 100% sure, but I felt like I could make an educated guess ....
Math - Really easy
Reading - the 1st passage was crazy ... I probably got like -4 ...
Science - not too bad but as said before you had to know stuff and not just read and analyze charts, which threw me off .. I didn't know two of them.</p>
According to the Real ACT prep guide a -2 in science could be a 35-33. i don't think it would ever be a 32 for -2!
<p>You never know. The ACT curves change for each test; it could be tough and you wouldn't know it.</p>
<p>Yeah, curve can vary very much. The ACT book says -1~-2 in reading=36, but in April reading, -1=34 and -2=33.</p>