Junior from SC-- suggestions w/ these stats?

<p>I'm a white male suburban junior from South Carolina, home-schooled from 6th to 10th grade. I pulled out mostly to take good courses, but I hadn't been advised very well, so my courseload this year is sort of haphazard and I currently have all As in it-- hope that holds.</p>

<p>Curious about safeties, matches and reaches. Would love to go out of state, but GA/NC might be far enough to satisfy me. Am I safe in assuming that Carleton is a superreach? What about Duke? I want to do some volunteer work this summer-- how important is that?</p>


<p>Class rank: 38/660, but I suspect will rise (perhaps even 10+ points) because my schedule is back-loaded
ACT: 32 (36, 36, 35, 24 M [ugh])-- 10th grade (should I retake?)
SAT: 1250, but I last took it in 9th grade!-- will take the new SAT in May and I expect/hope for a 2150-2250-- it plays to my strengths-- I can write
PSAT: 224 (65 M, 80 V, 79 W)</p>

<p>SAT IIs: Math I 680</p>

<p>Intended field of study: Classics, linguistics or history</p>


<p>11th courseload (anticipate all As):
AP Euro (anticipate 4 or 5, but a bit nervous)
Hon English
Hon Chemistry
Hon Pre-Calc
Latin II
CP Astronomy-- sort of a joke, but I wanted to take it
And one other creampuff CP math course that I should never have taken, dominated by slacking seniors and troublemakers</p>

<p>12 courseload (projected):
AP Chemistry
AP English Lit
AP Government
AP Economics
AP Calculus AB (or BC? Currently trying to make that decision)
Hon Latin III (our school doesn't offer AP Latin)</p>

<p>May try to carry on AP US or World History as independent study if my school supports it.</p>



<p>Mu Alpha Theta
Astronomy Club (doesn't do anything)
Sci-Fi Club
Junior Classical League (just member now, but may run for an office or something next year)</p>

<p>QUEST participant (Science, 11th grade team)
Model United Nations participant (held by a local two-year college; they send representatives to the Harvard Model UN and test them out on us-- didn't win an award, but I could next year)
Won a few awards at JCL Latin Forum; the biggies were 1st place in Derivatives, 1st place (tied) in Early Empire, and de facto captain of a state champion lower level (roughly 10th-11th grade) Certamen [like the Latin Quiz Bowl] team
[Edit-- almost forgot to mention!] Quiz Bowl varsity team member, 2nd place in the county.</p>

<p>Member of a club for area amateur astronomers; we meet out in the forest to observe, stage "Astronomy Day" at a local college, help stage public viewing sessions at parks and visit schools (although I haven't been able to participate in a school visit yet)
Tournament Scrabble player (probably too random for any college to care about)-- won Division 3 in the Atlanta 2004 tourney</p>

<p>Also this summer I'll be a Governor's Scholar (state program held at the College of Charleston; somewhat competitive-- had to write short essays and get teacher recommendations-- but 10 or so juniors at the school got in. You get some sort of bizarre special credit that doesn't count on your transcript)</p>


<p>I'd really appreciate your help. Thanks!</p>

<p>Sigh. Bumping here.</p>

<p>Have you taken any of the Nat'l Latin exams? Do you plan on studying Greek before college? Have you taken the Latin AP exam?</p>

<p>The Ivies love Classics majors. In my view the top 2 Classics programs are Princeton and Brown. Both are rigorous and extensive. Good Luck.</p>

<p>You're doing pretty well, don't be so hard on yourself! Definitely retake the SATs and the ACTs. Your score is damn good for a tenth grader! (is that what you are?) I don't think Carleton will be a superreach.</p>