Juniors - AP 's for next year

<p>Calc BC, Psych, Chinese, Macroeconomics</p>

<p>English Lit
US Gov’t
Calc BC
Physics C: Mechanics</p>

Physics C: Electricity
Maybe Human Geo</p>

<p>School -
AP Lit
AP Stats
(AP Physics B?)
AP Econ (both)</p>

<p>IS -
AP World
(AP Physics C, if I don’t take B)
(Human Geography???)</p>

<p>OP - I did IS AP Computer Science. It’s not very hard, just don’t put it off. Tons of people learn to program by themselves with a far higher level of competence than AP Comp Sci could require.
It’s best if you have a friend doing it - not only to ask questions (sometimes stuff is SO confusing), but also to compete programming. My friends and I kept trying to outdo each other in games and stuff… haha… but really, actually programming a lot will make the AP material seem trivial. The nice thing about AP Comp Sci is that learning a programming language by yourself is a relatively more common thing than learning other APs yourself - there are TONS of great Java tutorials online, like the Sun Java Tutorials.</p>

<p>School only offers 5, so I might self-study AP Stats and AP Bio.</p>

<p>Sent from my iPhone using CC</p>

<p>senior year’s APs</p>

US Gov
English Lit
Spanish Lang
Calculus or Stats</p>

<p>English Literature
Eurpean History
American Government
Human Geography</p>

<p>This year I only took AP Calc BC, AP Chem, and self studied Environmental Science.</p>

<p>Next year’s plan: AP Physics B, AP Java, AP Language, AP Italian</p>

<p>Lol ap java</p>

<p>Anyways gonna take
Physics c

<p>my school onll allows me to sign up and take AP tests that they offer. How would I be able to take AP Macro or Micro next year after self study? Should I see if another facility is holding the test?</p>

<p>And whats AP Java? lol</p>

<p>I already took most APs sophomore and junior year. :stuck_out_tongue:
I already took Bio, Chem, US history, Psych, BC Calc.
Taking next two weeks: envsci, physics b, and microecon.</p>

<p>Next year, I’m taking AP Gov and AP Eng Lang.
I might take an AP test like…Spanish just for fun.</p>

<p>Next Year:
AP Bio
AP Stats
AP Music Theory
AP English Lit
AP Gov
AP Macro Econ</p>

<p>Next year…</p>

<p>AP Calc AB
AP Stats
AP CompSci - self study</p>

<p>seems like im taking the least amount of AP classes.</p>

<p>I’m taking AP Calculus BC, English Lit, Environmental Science, Psychology, Gov, and Macroeconomics.</p>

<p>AP Lit
AP Spanish Lang
AP Calc AB</p>

<p>If I knew more about AP and self-studying (which I didn’t know was possible until this year), I would have self-studied Comp Sci and Physics this year -_-</p>

<p>I’m not taking AP Physics, though, I might take dual-enrollment for that so I can take Adv Graphic Design and Speech and Debate II (my passions).</p>

<p>Remember guys, colleges don’t want to see that you took every AP possible, they want to see you challenging yourself intellectually with a considerable amount of them, and show a passion for learning. IMO, taking all APes (Who wants to take 6 AP classes??) shows that you are only padding your transcript, instead of demonstrating your passion for expanding your knowledge.</p>

<p>But if you WANT to take 6 APs for the actual knowledge and not for the college application, then go for it!</p>

<p>BTW, my brother took ZERO AP tests in high school and attended UC Berkeley.</p>



<p>AP Physics B, self C b/c our school stopped offering it
AP Lit
AP Gov/AP Econ
AP Music Theory
Calc BC</p>

<p>too much? I took too many this year, and those were ap bio, ap eng lang, honors math, ap art history, and apush.</p>

<p>AP World History
AP Statistics
AP Physics (not sure which)
AP Politics</p>

<p>People at my school say I take way to much AP (1 in 9th grade, 4 this year), but obviously I’m pretty average here.</p>

<p>Next Year I’m taking: AP Spanish Language, AP Calc AB, AP Calc BC, AP Environmental Science, AP US Gov, and AP Language and Composition.</p>

<p>I’m taking the BC class but retaking the AB exam because my class didn’t learn anything this year (and after the test we were all like “Our teacher is a ******bag.” But since so many parents complained, they are going to let us take BC with an emphasis on summer review and then will pay for us to retake AB.</p>

<p>Well…I’m not a junior…but next year I will be haha.</p>

<p>AP Chem
AP US Government
AP MacroEcon
AP Lang & Comp</p>

<p>Took AP Bio this year…</p>

<p>Next Year:</p>

AP Lit
AP Chem
AP Human Geo
AP Physics (prob not)
APES (maybe with class… or self teach)
AP Psych (self teach)
AP Euro (maybe self teach)</p>