Just about time for UA student #2

<p>Oldest Daughter had a blast first year at Bama - it’s about time to start her 2nd year as she got her email to sign up for parking next week… </p>

<p>Now it’s time to start the ball rolling for middle daughter as she enters her HS senior year. Hopefully having been through it the first time will make 2nd go round much smoother. </p>

<p>Youngest daughter is two years behind, so will get a break next year.</p>

<p>Going to search through forum, to see if they have given a date that Fall 2014 registration will be opened up…</p>


<p>It opened last week. Hit that send button. </p>

<p>Roll Tide</p>

<p>BamaAF - I am in a similar boat except that my oldest child, who just finished his freshman year at Bama, is my son. My daughter, a rising HS senior, is just about ready to apply. One problem though: She just can’t seem to earn a 30 on the ACT - She has a 29. UGH! Two more tries coming up… :frowning: We ordered copies of her tests so we can go over them before she takes the ACT again. Maybe this will make the difference. :)</p>

<p>Thanks TxNewCollegeMom – App is submitted, ACT score sent in, and transcripts will be sent tomorrow – will do the scholarship app prior to end of Nov.</p>

<p>ProudBamaMama - 29 will get a good $ boost, although she will probably bring that up with your plan. First daughter got the Presidential, this one won’t , but no less proud of her. </p>


<p>DD loved her first year and is back on campus for summer school and sophomore year, already making noises about not coming home for Thanksgiving … </p>

<p>DS is now a rising senior and says no way will he attend where big sis is.</p>

<p>Any advice? Trying to play it calmly and let him look at other schools and see how they pale in comparison, did a Bama business school tour today (before helping DD move into the amazing suites!), pointed out that he already qualifies for really nice merit scholarships… not sure what else to do other than whisper in his ear while he sleeps … Roll Tide … Roll Tide … Bear wants you to say Roll Tide …</p>


<p>Is your D going to take the SAT as well? sometimes it’s easier to get the needed scores by just concentrating on the two sections on the SAT that are used for merit.</p>

<p>^^^ M2CK, she really didn’t do well on the SAT when she took it. She is a “math-science” kiddo. She only took it once though. Maybe I can get to her to try the SAT again…</p>

<p>Colobamamom: Tell your S that you as a parent get one choice where he applies. Choose Bama!
Once he get his acceptance, likely his first, he will be so excited by all of the love he gets from UA that he might decide to attend.</p>

<p>Thanks, Cuttlefish123, that will at least make him apply! He did say I had to stop wearing Bama shirts while we are touring other campuses. (I was only wearing in the car and at the hotel gym; can I help it that I like to wear crimson???)</p>

<p>Roll Tide to all!</p>

<p>DS is now a rising senior and says no way will he attend where big sis is.</p>

<p>yes, definitely have a “parent pick” and have him do the app and scholarship app.</p>

<p>My younger son said the SAME thing. Then he helped with move-in day and went to a game a few weeks later, and then he was hooked.</p>

<p>I think that once he saw the size of the campus, he realized that he wouldn’t be known as S1’s little bro, he was fine.</p>

<p>Colobamamom: My D1 is a rising junior at Bama. You should see the Bama stuff I have purchased for D2. She wanted this cute little dress. It came in blue or crimson (you know which schools I am talking about). I said I would buy the crimson one. :slight_smile: Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>ProudMama…We are in same boat. DS rising junior at UA, DD rising HS senior made a 29 on ACT, needed .25 to get that 30. Wish they superscored, she has a 31. She is also really strong in math/science but even as an avid reader (always has a book in her hand) the reading section is the killer.</p>


I finally talked my son into applying. He started the application this week. I pushed for it due to the scholarship money since he got a 33 ACT. The interesting thing is that UA is expensive! Even with the scholarship money the cost difference between UA and our flagship school with no scholarship money is not that big of a difference.</p>

<p>kldat1, since you must be comparing the cost of room/board at UA to the overall cost of your state flagship, be sure to compare dorm types. If your state dorms are traditional, use the traditional dorm pricing at UA for comparison. Also, keep in mind the freshman all-access dining plan (which is bit pricy but is certainly convenient) is only for one year.</p>

<p>SignalMtn - Superscored my dauther would have a 31 also. Her math and science really help bring up her reading and english…Thank goodness. English is her weakest section.
We are getting down the the nitty gtitty now…Two more tries. We took a tour of our local flagship school recently (Penn State), and I feel my daughter is ready to just give up on the 30 ACT and attend this school. It is a great school but… :(</p>

<p>Wait a minute. First things first. Has she bought a Bama Jersey, cap and big foamy football finger? Roll Tide.</p>

<p>My advice is to purchase the “top 2000 SAT Vocab Words” flash cards from Amazon and play games with them for pennies at the kitchen table. For example, you give a word, and your opponent must give the definition or vice versa.</p>

<p>We did this and we all enjoyed it and DD did exceptionally well on that section of the PSAT and SAT.</p>

<p>My daughter and I are headed down to Tuscaloosa for a campus visit at the end of this month when we have to move our son, a rising junior, out of his summer housing. She is in a similar place as others in this thread in that she needs to improve her ACT score to have any chance of getting significant merit aid from UA’s generous scholarship program. While she would prefer UA, we will also be touring Mississippi State and Ole Miss while we are in the area because there is a chance that she will get better merit scholarships from those two schools with her current ACT scores. She will be taking the SAT for the first time this fall and plans on retaking the SAT in the hopes of improving.</p>

<p>DS attended a summer program at Ole Miss, loved the campus and the college experience. Like the other schools he is considering … at least they don’t wear orange. :)</p>



<p>Application submitted! Now on to the honors application.</p>