just blew my interview...

<p>so i arrived at starbucks on streets that the interviewer gave me and waited for an hour until she called me and said that she was leaving because I wasnt there on time..
apparently, there was another starbucks on the same exact streets in another city. WOW
what the heck do i do. would i get another chance for an interview or is this the end of my admission process for georgetown. personally i already got accepted to one of my top 3 choices from EA and satisfied. but i would still like to see what kind of fa georgetown would provide. what SHOULD I do?</p>

<p>The same thing happened to me! I went to a starbucks and was waiting for twenty minutes before I called my interviewer and realized that he was waiting at a starbucks 400 feet down the road. He was very nice and understanding about the whole thing, and so we met and started the interview a half hour late. If this is one of your top choices, you should try and get another interview because it most likely will have some effect on your admission decision. Explain what happened to her and hopefully she will give you another interview.</p>

<p>This is what happens when Starbucks pop up every 100ft of each other… I would sue Starbucks for liability if you don’t get into Georgetown…</p>


<p>You can try emailing/calling your interviewer and very politely explain what had happened and ask whether she would be available at another convenient time. If that doesn’t work out, I recommend contact the regional director (or w/e it was called) that came on your card asking you to set up an interview.</p>

<p>haha i mean, im dying to go to G’town but…sue Starbucks for liability…i hope you were kidding o_O</p>

<p>don’t sweat it. This can hardly be considered anyone’s fault. Just contact her again thru email and whatnot. Did she sound angry on the phone when she called to say she was leaving?</p>

<p>she did sound angry. i already emailed her a day ago but never got a response…
what happens if she doesnt want to reschedule the interview? am i doomed?</p>

<p>I think it would reflect badly on Georgetown if the interviewer is that rude. If she doesn’t respond, I would certainly contact the school. You shouldn’t be held responsible for this.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t give it too much weight. The whole experience is actually funny when you consider the likelihood of the possibility and that neither of you decided to call the other 15 minutes into the interview to check on the person’s status.</p>

<p>Contact the school in my opinion.</p>

<p>i was legitimately 20 minutes late to my interview. I got in.</p>

<p>Not a big deal if you ask me. You can ask for another interview if you want. Overall though, the interview isn’t a big part of the process. I totally forgot to go to my interview for another school (Yale), then rescheduled it and had a great interview. So, don’t sweat it.</p>

<p>I would do two things:
write another email of apology (of course saying you werent sure if she got the first one since you didn’t hear back) and remark about the unlikelyhood that you would be at two different starbucks. I would also send a note to the school and relay what happened and how you’d really like an interview and that this just might not work out.</p>

<p>Speaking as an adult, I think it would be pretty ridiculous if, as you say, there is a starbucks located at the exact same street intersection in a closeby town, to hold that against you and not see the humor or irony. That just says more about her than it does about you to be honest.</p>