Just for fun: “Top” Ivy?

Ha. My first thought was: wait a second, I went to college up the hill from RISD (even took a class there once semester), and I’ve never heard of this? And then I figured out that this particular mascot was created almost a decade after I graduated.

My second thought was: RISD has sports? (I really had no idea that RISD has sports.)

I hereby nominate Brown as the top Ivy…it adjoins RISD and its humorously irreverent take on mascots:

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Columbia just “reported” it is at 897.


Columbia may be tops for cockroaches, but Cornell has more bugs!


Clearly Columbia must be #1, if you’re worth your own subway station.

I suspect they also might be #1 in the number of schools:
List of Schools | Columbia University in the City of New York,
and bagels.

And, of course, in Nutella consumption:

Besides, even the Seinfeld crew went all the way uptown just to hang out at the (outside of) “their” Tom’s Diner.

… and most street-smart rats?

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Harvard has its own subway stop AND it’s own square…It must be number 1!


Most likely to be mentioned in an ad campaign: Brown

“What can Brown do for you?”

Top Ivy for music: Princeton

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Brown has an entire COLOR named after it. Sure, not one of the pretty ROYGBIV colors, but still a critically important color if you want to describe coffee or bison or tree trunks or poop.


OK, so maybe Brown isn’t number 1 but…number 2 (wum wum wum).


That was a Cornell hockey cheer when we played Brown…“What’s the color of “insert not so nice word for poop”? BROWN!”

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I have to say that when I was a student at Brown, Cornell was NOT the only Ivy that used that cheer! (And hockey was not the only sport!) :laughing: :rofl: :joy:

Dartmouth is the only Ivy League that is a member of “The University of the Arctic”, and has The Institute of Arctic Studies. That makes them the Ivy with the most northern research institute.


On the other hand, while a number of Ivies are Space Grant universities, Cornell is the only Ivy which is a Lead Institution (of the New York Space Grant Consortium).

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We all know the Ivy League is first and foremost an athletic conference, so obviously the top school is the one that’s best at Quidditch, which I have now learned is called Quadball among college practitioners. Harvard is the only Ivy League school currently fielding a team, according to a random website I found, and so they are clearly the Top Ivy. You’re welcome.


You obviously never witnessed the “Polar Bear Plunge.”

It requires a lot of alcohol to act so stupid.

My kid did this at Bates (not an ivy, of course), which does an official event like this every year called the puddle jump. No alcohol involved before, but probably after. :laughing:

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We did it in the Boy Scouts. If there was alcohol involved, no one shared it with me!

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Imagine the headline – “Drunk Scoutmaster Gives Scouts Shots, Faces Felony Charges”

While not an Ivy the University of Alabama is tops in self reported National Merit Scholars.

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Not even a misdemeanor where and when I grew up . . . .

Graham Blanks of Harvard just won the title at the NCAA Cross Country Championships. First ever Ivy League national champion in XC. So Harvard is tops for distance running.