Just had an FSU Representative come to my school and talk to us

<p>Couple things I took note of</p>

<p>-FSU DOES NOT recalculate your GPA, they ONLY use your weighted GPA - fact. She repeated this MULTIPLE times
-Apply early (before oct 16)
-Keep sending SAT/ACT scores</p>

<p>Ask me questions if you have any</p>

<p>EDIT - A while ago I saw a post where an FSU rep visited another students school and the student sent her (the rep) an email thanking her for visiting their school...should I do the same, she gave me her card which has her direct email/phone number ..shall I email her?</p>

<p>By all means if you want to attend Florida State you should send a short note. Just good manners, I should think.</p>

<p>Sad that FSU would send representatives to your school that don’t know how things work. They don’t use your weighted GPA, due to some counties, especially in Florida <em>cough</em> Hillsborough County <em>cough</em> having systems where you can graduate with a GPA that’s over a 7.0. FSU would have to recalculate your GPA just to make it fair. </p>

<p>Although the rest of it is obvious things that you’ll see around here posted probably hundreds of times. Apply early, because December is a heck of a lot easier to get admission than March, and keep sending any ACT/SAT scores because they superscore to give you the best score possible. </p>

<p>Heck, they even talk about the “we superscore” thing on the admissions page.</p>

<p>FSU absolutely, 100% does recalculate your GPA. This is a fact. Call admissions or whoever you want. They do.</p>

<p>By the way, this wasn’t an ordinary representative from FSU.</p>

<p>It was an Admission Officer, if that makes any difference…</p>

<p>I posted this because I know Pasbal has been telling every one that in fact FSU does re calculate GPA so I don’t really know who to believe.</p>

<p>It doesn’t matter. They definitely recalculate your GPA. As I pointed out above, they basically have to recalculate them.</p>

<p>I had an admissions officer visit my high school (looking back, that’s way back when though… 2008) and they weren’t exactly knowledgeable on some things either…</p>

<p>I have noticed every time I talk with an Admissions officer they tell us something different. last week when my daughter was working on her application she called and asked if she should put down her weighted GPA or unweighted. ( in our county the H.S. Transcript that is sent out is an unweighted GPA) There answer was we could put the weighted GPA down but that they will recalculate it when they receive.</p>

<p>Not sure what the representative meant by “does not recalculate” GPA, but they definitely use a formula that is likely different from your county. All colleges do this, because every county uses a different formula. And as Pasbal said, some are especially notorious for inflating your GPA. People in Hillsborough have graduated with 8+'s, and FSU is definitely not recording that number. </p>

<p>Per FSU.edu:</p>

<p>Calculation of High School Academic GPA
The Office of Admissions recalculates all grade point averages. We do not use the GPAs listed on the high school transcript or report card. Only academic core subjects will be used in the recalculation. Grades of “C–” or better in dual enrollment, AICE, AP, and IB coursework will be weighted and receive one full bonus point in the recalculation; grades of “C–” or better in honors, pre-AICE, pre-AP, and pre-IB coursework will receive one half bonus point. For repeated courses, we will only forgive a low grade if the exact course has been repeated (i.e. Algebra I will not replace an Algebra I honors grade; if the courses are not the same, both grades will be used in the recalculation).</p>

<p>[FSU</a> Undergraduate Bulletin](<a href=“FSU Registrar | Error 404 page not found”>FSU Registrar | Error 404 page not found)</p>

<p>Compare this to Hillsborough County, which allows you to take D/E Health online and will straight up add .08 to your GPA for it.</p>

<p>You’re all getting confused by a process change. FSU wants your GPA as it appears on your transcripts (weighted). This is NEW. This is a new trend among colleges, and several other state schools are also using it, including FGCU, FAU, New College, and UWF.</p>

<p>Matt125’s link above is for the 2013-2014 term, this change is for the 2014-2015 term (Fall, next year). Feel free to call admissions to confirm.</p>

<p>I’m sure FSU (or they may be using a 3rd party) will evaluate GPA, understanding that some counties (like Hillsborough County) use a different scale.</p>

<p>Of course, it was easier to understand where you stood, when FSU recalculated the GPA, now the process is less transparent.</p>

<p>Uhh, FSU asked on the application way back for Fall 2009 (so the application was completed in 2008) for my high school weighted GPA. That isn’t new. </p>

<p>The fact that different places have different GPA scales is why FSU recalculated GPAs for everyone. It made it fair for you to be able to judge where you stood, especially in relation to everyone else that was applying.</p>