<p>So I visited CMU last monday, and it was pretty awesome. However one thing bothered me. I talked to some HSS and tepper people, and they were telling me about these crazy parties they had, and I roomed with a CS person, which was hell (they played Guitar Hero and other video games all night). My question is, is there any in betweens in the social range, or just crazy party people and video game nerds.</p>
<p>Yes. I don't think it's possible just to have the two extremes. And the tepper people don't really party all the time, but you came at the end of carnival weekend so they had their parties then.</p>
<p>Nerds can party. Just because you party doesn't make you not a nerd.</p>
<p>I mean people who just play computer games all day. I saw a lot of that when I visited. Of course, I only visited a few rooms though.</p>
<p>There is a group of guys on my floor who go out to parties, say, once every two weeks, but during the week are fairly busy with schoolwork/research/sports stuff, so 'balanced' types do exist.</p>
<p>I'm under the impression that people here play video games less frequently than at many other universities, because we have less free time- you can't play WoW 10 hours a day and do well in your classes here. The gaming that most of my friends do is DDR or Guitar Hero, which while sterotypically geeky, is much more social that many types of gaming.</p>
<p>i def know some CS majors who partied, but there werent too many of us though</p>
<p>Hmm.... I think there are definitely those that spend their whole lives either in class or surrounded by games. But yeah, that's an extreme and probably will exist wherever you are. Most people I know might play a little as stress relief, esp. Super Smash Bros. But there are definitely sociallly active people who don't just party and don't just game. I would say that's the majority, honestly. Most people I know are that way.</p>
<p>I like games a lot and I can act like a little kid when triggered, but during school, I rarely play simply due to schoolwork and I kinda like it more when the people I talk to are face to face with me.</p>
<p>But that usually results in game binges when I get the chance. Most often on holidays.</p>
<p>So maybe that's what you saw? If you came during carnival, a lot students take that time to do the things they wished they could do all semester long but found time insufficient. Hence a lot of parties and gaming?</p>
<p>It's a thought.</p>