Just sent in SAT scores. Is it too late?

<p>I'm not signed up for the December administration and I just saw that scores were supposed to be sent in by the 5th. Did I blow my chances?</p>

<p>Scores don’t have to sent until the Dec SAT test. So, not sure what you’re saying. If you’re sending scores now, you’re well in advance of the deadline.</p>

<p>It said that if you weren’t taking it in December, then the deadline is Nov. 5.</p>

<p>Call the National Merit people and ask (847) 866-5100. Otherwise, sign up for the Dec SAT. It is worth the time and money, if they say you are too late.</p>

<p>Where did it say it had to be turned in by the 5th?</p>

<p>The pdf of the packet they gave all the nmsf</p>

<p>Well, it’s not Dec 5th yet, so send it in now.</p>

<p>I sent it the 13th, but I called today and I’m fine.</p>