<p>I'm currently a high school junior, and i'm not confident in my ability to get into RU Pharm next year. I'm considering other options as well, but i'm not too sure, so i have some questions.</p>
<p>I looked on the webpage and there's a montclair/ru joint program, where you do 3 years of undergrad work at montclair and finish the 4 professional years of pharm at rutgers. you graduate with a dr. of pharm + bachelor's in bio or chem, i think you can choose. to me, this would be much better financially as i would be able to commute, and i would be able to get a much better scholarship due to my grades. however, is admission/transfer guaranteed?</p>
<p>another option would be to just go to another pharmacy school (e.g. st. john's pharm) for 2 years and then transfer into the professional years for ru pharm. what are the statistics of getting in from another pharm school?</p>
<p>or i can just do 2 years undergrad in new brunswick, then transfer into the pharm program...this wouldn't be very good financially tho...again, what are the chances of getting in?</p>
<p>and lastly i guess there's always the 2+4 program at newark... there is a min. gpa requirement, but is that guaranteed if i get above the gpa requirement in those 2 years???</p>
<p>thank u for answering my questions :)</p>