Keep Ferg mailbox vs getting mail at Sorority house?

<p>First, can you keep the same Ferg mailbox year-after-year???</p>

<p>Second, DD is living in the sorority house next year…any experience with security of receiving mail/packages while living in a house?</p>


<p>Right now I am leaning towards the Ferg…they have been GREAT.</p>

<p>I agree that the Freg mail situation is great, you know that there is always someone there to sign for those packages that require signatures. All the carriers deliver there -USPS, UPS and Fed EX. I know that I would hate to see important mail delivered and then misplaced by accident, where do they secure the mail in the sorority house?</p>

<p>I’ll share my experience, which was from the time when we fended off saber tooth tigers on the way to class. I absolutely loved getting mail at the sorority house once I moved into the house. Much more convenient than having to walk over to the Ferg for mail. By the time I moved into the house in my sophomore year, most of my classes were already in my major department, all my meals were at the house and the Ferg seemed way out of the way. Of course, I know that your D will be spending lots of time at Ridgecrest next year since two of her roomies will still be there – but she still would probably prefer to have to avoid the trek to the Ferg to get her mail. I never heard of anyone losing mail or a package at the house, but I suppose that is always possible. </p>

<p>My daughter lives in Ridgecrest West this year and we LOVE it. But she gets her mail at the AXO house and I have had no problems. Actually she loves getting packages there!.</p>

<p>CAN you keep the same Ferg mailbox???</p>