<p>Is there a minimum GPA that you need to apply to this program? Son is already a DA and is doing decently so far. Is this a program that also looks at extra-curricular activities at IU or is acceptance based solely on GPA? Thanks for your help.</p>
<p>What is a "DA"?</p>
<p>DA means a "direct admit to the Kelley School". Son began at IU in the business school.</p>
<p>From what I see on the site, they like to see leadership in addition to a solid GPA.</p>
<p>Jaris' link above is to the Business School Honors Program (which is what idylldancer asked about). </p>
<p>For those who are interested in what it takes for DA (direct admit) status (to Kelley Business School) for incoming freshmen, that is located here:</p>
<p>The details are halfway down the page under "Direct Freshman Admission", and the requirements are "Top 10% of high school class or 3.6 GPA (on a 4.0 scale)."</p>
<p>P.S. Although it doesn't specifically give a required GPA for admission to the Business Honors Program, I wouldn't be surprised if it is a 3.7 GPA (out of 4.0), since that is what is required for admission to the university's general honors program (Hutton Honors).</p>
<p>The minimum to apply for business honors is 3.5 gpa, but the average GPA is 3.7-3.8. They also look at extracurriculars and teacher recommendation.</p>
<p>This is not accurate information, maxellis. Did you get this from the Kelley website? The GPA to apply is now a 3.7 minimum. The extracurriculars and faculty recommendation are also required, as is a personal essay. Because so many students met those requirements, they consider the student’s entire application package.</p>
<p>you’re right, I am wrong. I was posting on what my senior friend who is in it told me. I guess things have changed since then.</p>