Kenyon review young writers program 2023

oops . I just got email . Got accepted

My son got email, accepted also!

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Congratulations to u as well.



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Accepted as well!!

Congratulations to all the accepts! My daughter is not accepted, I am wondering how grade play the role in the decision making process, she is sophomore now.

Or in addition to the rising seniors, how many are in other grades in the past classes.


Did any of you apply to Iowa as well? If you got into both will you choose one and if so which one?

This is what they write on their website for how to the applicants are chosen:

The selection committee pays particular attention to the 300 word statement and the teacher recommendation. We are looking for students who show real talent and passion for writing, as well as students who will thrive in both the workshop and residential setting. We strive to admit a diverse group of students with a wide range of academic and personal interests.

It does not mention grade, so I guess that grade does not play a very important role in the decision.

@Nicole2018 @zenith2025 @pokemon0206 @lighxonme: Do not forget to submit deposit. I almost missed the deadline.

Which sessions are you guys in? Is there a discord server or something?

I would also like to know! It would be nice to know anyone from the first session :slight_smile:

Im in session 2! Is anyone else in session 2̊̊̈?

i’m in session 2 !! do you have a social ?

don’t think so, but we can always make one !

I made a discord server for those accepted to Kenyon (both session 1 and 2 are welcome), everyone is free to join if they want to! :slight_smile:
this won’t let me add any links, so just add me on discord with confusion#7911 if you wanna join!

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sent you a friend request on discord, i’m in session 2 btw

changed my username to confused_azul
had to change it because discord kept bugging me, haha!!
add me if you’re going to kenyon!!


Anyone received anything from Kenyon regarding to the upcoming session? My child’s travel plan has changed and I tried to reach out to them but got no reply so far. Thanks!

Nope, I haven’t received anything recently and have just been using the accepted participants page for info. Hope everything works out!