Kenyon review young writers workshop 2022

hi! afaik there’s been no thread on here abt the program for this year – is anyone else applying? any thoughts or insight from people who’ve done it before? i’m about to apply and im super excited to see if i get in :slight_smile:

My son went years ago - maybe 2014 or 2015 - and had a great experience there! He is still in touch with friends he made there, and he ended up becoming a writer - so all good! Good luck and I hope you get in!


does anyone know when decisions come out?

i’m assuming late march or early april based on past years! most of the posts i’ve seen from the past have been around march 20th, iirc, but i’m not sure.

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When my D submitted her application, she got a response saying “Admissions decisions will be announced via email in late March.”


also does anyone have any insight on the difference between the residential vs online programs besides just format/length/price? like if i’m rejected (hopefully not!) from the residential program would it be pointless to apply to the online workshop to see if i can get into one if not the other lol?

We did the Columbia Advanced Creative Writing program virtually due to COVID but got a lot out of it.

Result is out today. My child got rejected.

Same. DS rejected.

what’s the chances to get Off the Waitlist?

waitlisted. such is life lmao

accepted!! i’m not sure if i’ll go though

D accepted. Would love to go but still figuring out summer schedule so not completely sure yet.


accepted! not sure if i can go though; have to figure out transportation

I was accepted! Did anyone here also apply to Iowa Young Writers’ Studio?

i did! if you get in to iowa, do you think you’ll do both?

does anyone know if the kenyon deposits being due “by april 8th” means you can submit it on the 8th or not? having iowa decisions could change whether or not my parents let me go

Is there anybody who have been to the workshop before that can describe the experience? Also if anyone knows how likely it is to switch from one session to another?


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what sessions are y’all going to?