
<p>does anyone know if there's a common kitchen for each floor in the stanford/hecht buildings? what about common rooms to hang out?</p>

<p>There are no common kitchens in the freshmen dorms. The only kitchens are in the resident masters apartment on the first floor. There are no common rooms on the individual floors. There is a main lobby for each tower, a laundry room, a study room and a few classrooms on the first floor.</p>

<p>How about microwave ovens? Do they have them anywhere on the Stanford/Hecht hallways or do students buy their own? Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere.</p>

<p>You have to bring your own.</p>

<p>so you recommend disposable plates, bowls, etc? Cuz i dont see how we can clean everything if there’s no kitchen…</p>

<p>Last year I was a freshman and brought one of each of these things: bowl, plate, cup, mug, fork, knife, spoon. Bring some dish soap and you can wash them in the bathroom sink just fine. The advantage of only bringing one of each is that you can’t allow dirty dishes to pile up in your room, since you need to use them again!</p>