Labor Day Weekend and Going Home

What is everyone’s thought’s about going home for Labor Day weekend when school has been in session for 1-2 weeks?

I can’t imagine myself wanting to go home from college so soon.

I think it depends on the distance - and what type of school.

If you’re at a public and 80% of kids live within two hours and its going to be empty, I get it.

If you’re on a more residential and / or flagship type school, I’d likely stay.

Same with small, local private vs. one that draws nationally.

It’d be better to stay on of course - but every situation is different.

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I would encourage my kid to stay at school until parents weekend. Missing weekends are a missed opportunity to bond with new friends.


My daughter (who was very homesick the first half of her first year) vowed not to come home for six weeks, no matter what, to push herself out of her comfort zone and adjust. She wanted to make new friends and couldn’t do that from home.

I think she’s glad she stuck by her decision. Now she loves her school so much, I am not sure we will see her until Thanksgiving!

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We are just taking our son to school this weekend. He’ll come home for his fall break in October though.

Agree with staying at college and developing friendships.

I would encourage my kid to stay at school. My D went to a public school where a lot of kids could drive home in a couple of hours, she said most kids stayed at school labor day weekend, because they’d only been at school for a couple of weeks. She said the campus didn’t feel empty that weekend at all.


My son is at UVA and they have classes on Monday…my guess is that’s not common.

D20 and D23 both have classes on Monday. I thought that was the norm.