labs required to recieve credit?

<p>Hi. I got accepted ED this year. I want to place into organic chem freshman yr (really hard class, i know) and know that you also have to take a placement exam even if you got a 5 on the AP chem class. The thing is, I took AP Chem in 10th grade, and I remember my teacher mentioning something about how colleges need to see the labs in order to give you credit. She migh have thrown them out by now as that was 2 years I in trouble? Also, is the placement exam given during orientation exam? What's the format? How hard is it? I know Columbia2002 took organic chem freshman yr. Are you glad you did that or did you regret it? Thanks for all feedback! :)</p>

<p>According to the chemistry dept website you will receive 6 credits for General Chemistry (not the lab) if you receive a 4 or 5 on the AP Exam AND you complete 2 semesters of Intensive Organic Chemistry C3045-C3046. Students who enroll in the Intensive Orgo class then take Intensive Gen Chem lab their first year along with Orgo lecture. Wonder whether this is strange taking Orgo lecture along with Gchem lab. Would imagine this is only required if you need a Gchem lab for your major which many majors do and is required by the pre-med curriculum. Seems like students then take Orgo Lab their second year to satisfy an organic lab requirement if needed for med school or other major requirement. If all you want is Orgo Lecture and 6 credits for Gchem the labs don’t appeared to be required to receive AP credit. Hope I have this right. Would welcome comments from current students.</p>

<p>[Chemistry</a> | Columbia College](<a href=“]Chemistry”></p>

<p>You don’t need the labs in order to get credit. The placement test’s nothing to worry about, and even if you don’t place into freshman orgo, you can still take it if you talk to the professor. Yes, the exam is given during orientation. When I took it, the first part (to place into intensive gen chem) was all multiple choice, and then we had to draw some Lewis dot structures and figure out the formal charges for the second part (to place into freshman orgo).</p>

<p>ok thanks!
demeter: did u regret at all that u took freshman orgo? are the students willing to help each other out or are they all uber competitive pre-meds? i’ll be in SEAS and so will also be taking physics and calculus the same year.</p>

<p>Sorry, but I didn’t actually take freshman orgo; I took intensive gen chem (where there wasn’t an atmosphere of competition). My friend who took it found it hellish, but he took six classes that semester, so orgo was only a part of the story. He also took physics 1600 and calc III that semester (but wasn’t a SEAS kid). While I can’t comment on the class, I do have to say that the intensive gen chem lab (which you’d have to take too) was actually pretty fun (and wasn’t competitive at all). It’s probably one of the better lab courses.</p>

<p>nygirl786: I didn’t take freshman orgo, but i had friends who did. The general consensus was that it screwed their GPA and was just hard–the upside is it’s your freshman year GPA that can usually be salvaged, and is sometimes discounted, and it gets a large chunk of the pre med requirements out of the way. </p>

<p>Go for it, if you think you’re up for the challenge (it can’t be that bad)–but think about the workload of UW and freshman orgo together. That might be a lot.</p>

<p>I think inherent in nygirl786’s question is whether the alternative is any easier. Past discussion on this board has debated whether Intensive Gchem or Ochem is the better choice for freshman. I think each proponent has their points. Although probably easier than its Ochem alternative, Intensive Gchem is often not described as easy with its mathematical emphasis on physical chemistry principles. It certainly is more difficult than the standard AP Chem curriculum in high school and is closer to a mini Pchem course. Its one semester requirement might attract those who want to get their chemistry over with or want to lighten up their freshman schedule, allowing adjustment to college. It is certainly a larger class than Ochem and has been taught for years by Professor Flynn although this could change in the future. For some CC science students, some pre-meds and certain SEAS majors, regular Ochem (not easy either) would then be taken sophomore year but in the case of pre-meds would need to be doubled up with another science course, possibly Intro Bio with Moshowitz which everyone agrees is no walk in the park. This to me is a major argument for qualified CC science students and pre-meds to take Ochem as freshman. It potentially allows you to take it alone with no other science course other than Calculus (This does not apply to SEAS students who have to take Physics their freshman year). It would also avoid the Intro Bio/Orgo combination that I would imagine would be doable but tough. (All pre-meds have to double up on their sciences at least one year but that particular combo is hard although many students seem to do it). Intensive Orgo is also taught by Professor Breslow for many years-read Culpa, knowing all its limitations, and decide for yourself. Yet the course gets consistent reviews for its difficulty and intense work load. What make sense to me to consider is how each one of these courses fit into your schedule both freshman year and what other tough course combos depending upon your major and core requirements will be required of you in subsequent years.</p>

<p>I am sure Denzera and C’02 will have an opinion on this.
Only my two cents- now I will shut up.</p>

<p>thx for all the advice guys!</p>

<p>if anyone from SEAS who did take this route <em>ahem ahem Columbia2002</em> could also give their input, i would greaty appreciate it! :)</p>

<p>This thread is long and I’m not in the mood to read it all and figure out what hasn’t been answered, but I have posted on this topic a lot if you could find the posts in the search (maybe we should have a freshman orgo / accel physics link on the faq list). What is it that people want my opinion on?</p>