Lag time for updating app materials' status?

<p>My daughter's school supposedly sent in her secondary school report a week ago, but it still isn't showing up as received on her myum account. Can anyone tell me how long it took for their (smail mail) materials to be processed and show up online? I'm trying to decide how long to wait before I pester her GC.</p>

<p>I hope this delay won't disqualify her from EA....</p>

<p>Could take up to a few weeks… It took mine a couple and that was in early September before the huge wave of applicants, so now it’ll be even longer than that if anything.</p>

<p>A few weeks?! Argh!!</p>

<p>Thank you, SeekingUni – that’s very good to know.</p>

<p>I applied Early Decision…my GC sent my recommendations on 10/27/11…I sent my common app to them on the 28th and they downloaded everything. On 10/29/11…I got a myUM and everything was checked off. </p>

<p>I think they are trying to handle the Early Decision Applicants first before the EA one’s</p>

<p>Just to follow-up:</p>

<p>The school materials that were reportedly sent via snailmail by my D’s GC on 10/31/11 were posted to her UM account on 11/9/11.</p>

<p>Her application now appears to be complete. Hooray! :)</p>

<p>I still don’t have a check on the Secondary School Report section of the application documents received. Should I start worrying?</p>

<p>MB444, my daughters transcript from Syracuse University took forever to get to UM - it was the last item to be checked off. I offered to send a certified copy of my copy but they wouldn’t take it. Did you get the email of anyone in admissions? If so, and you’re really worried, shoot them a quick note. If you don’t have an email, PM me.

<p>I talked to my gudiance counselor just now. She called the school, they said they have it and will update my account. Just checked myUM and it’s there :)</p>

<p>Zippity-do-dah! Now you really can chill until 2/1 or so…</p>

<p>My D’s secondary school report was also missing as of Monday even though everything had been sent in weeks before the Nov 1 priority deadline. She emailed admissions a few days after the deadline, just to make sure it was only a delay in processing and to ensure that her high school had actually sent the transcript. She heard nothing back after two weeks so on Monday I called admissions to check. They put me on hold for perhaps 30 seconds, and came right back on the line to say that D’s application had been sitting right there in “the basket” and if I hit refresh everything would show up. I did and four entries showed up with check marks next to them:</p>

<p>Teacher Evaluation<br>
Personal essay<br>
Secondary School Report<br>
Official SAT or ACT results</p>

<p>so that was super easy! If anyone else is missing anything on the UM website, a call down to check on it sure worked well in our case : )</p>

<p>Just out of curiosity, how much does Miami weigh the essay? Does anybody here know?</p>