Laptop Computers

<p>Is there anywhere on the Purdue website where it tells what kind of computer is best for Purdue? We want to purchase S a laptop and don't know whether to purchase it on campus (if any are available) or get one at home. Anyone know which laptop is best?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>that'll help you get started.</p>

<p>is your son bringing a desktop as well or is he just bringing a laptop. depending on what case you may opt for a smaller laptop aimed for portability, or you may want to purchase a 'desktop replacement' laptop.</p>

<p>He has a desktop now, but my husband wants to get him a laptop. So we were wondering which one was the best, if anyone out there had any preferences. My S has been trying to access his Purdue email address - are they able to access it before they get up there?</p>

<p>I bought my son a laptop for a grad gift. We got the most "umph" we could get for the money. He's only been using it 2 months but so far loves it, it's a HP. (Please no one tell me I made a mistake!)</p>

<p>Somewhere on the purdue ITAP site is a link for getting deals for computers for students. This is how one of my other kids did it, a Dell through his college. He likes it as well but initially had problems.</p>

<p>Email has been available to the incoming students for a long time. Sorry, I don't remember for sure how he did it, but I think he signed up through</p>

<p>BTW, even though son now has a laptop, he still wants to take his (huge) desktop to school as it's his gaming machine. Not that he's going to have time! lol</p>

<p>I have a sony vaio "desktop replacement" laptop weighing in at 8 lbs. I have had it for two years, so if you are looking for power with style, look into it. lol
Although I have to warn you the battery power aint that great.</p>

<p>Can they not play games on laptops? My son doesn't seem that excited about a laptop. We just didn't want to have to box up and ship that big desktop of his. My S likes to play games, too.</p>

<p>PS. If anyone knows how to use the Purdue email, let us know.</p>

<p>if you don't know what his email address is, go to ssinfo, then on the left hand side there's a list of items you can click on. click general, then purdue directory search. do a search, and you'll get his email address. then go to the password should be the same as his ssinfo account.</p>

<p>you can play games on a laptop, but generally 'gaming' laptops aka Dell XPS, Alienware, etc... are usually really expensive (expect to spend 2300+ on a laptop with a good video/graphics card, lots of ram, etc...) generally desktops are just better for gaming because you can upgrade certain parts w/out spending a lot of money. also desktops are just plain faster than laptops. in my opinion if your son already has a desktop, then i would opt to get a small laptop for portability. i would suggest the following laptops: dell inspiron 700 or any several of the dell latitudes (D510, D610) etc...</p>

<p>my roomate has a laptop desktop and is actually bringing a 2nd desktop up next year (dont ask why). anyways i just bought a new laptop for the upcoming school year (HP dv4000). its not that portable, but its not exactly a desktop replacement. its about 6 lbs, but comes with a large HD lots of ram and fairly good screen size. i can't bring a desktop because (now) i reside in sunny California.</p>

<p>Thanks. We live in Texas and didn't know whether to ship the desktop as we are flying in.</p>

<p>This is the message my S gets when he tries to log in to use webmail. Anyone know how to fix this? <** Please note: To use this service, you will need to have the "service" field on your Purdue Electronic Directory entry set to "store".>
(This establishes a Purdue Mailhub account for your Directory entry.) **</p>

<p>That doesn't sound right at all. Sounds like a problem with your son's account. I know we didn't get any message like that. Is there a help line phone number than can be called?</p>

<p>Well, it is now working! I am wondering when they will change his schedule since they sent a notice that he got credit for his calculus AP and we figured they would update his math from 165 to the next sequence.</p>

<p>My son had to wait for about 2 weeks although he was told it would be done "right away". When he enquired a second time, she said there was over 1000 freshmen AP class credits to change and they were doing them in groups of 90 or so. The day before his schedule changed, there was a message at the bottom of the schedule "ready to schedule" and then that next morning it was done. hope this helps.</p>

<p>There are schedule runs on scheduled days..they are not daily. When I got into a class I was waited listed for(in May) I had to wait about 4 weeks for the next schedule run. You can find these days if you go under your student info and to your schedule and then hit page help. You won't be included in a schedule run unless your schedule says ready to schedule. Of course schedule runs are more frequent now then then they were back in May.</p>

<p>Please go to <a href=""&gt;;/a> and do a search for
yourself. once you have found yourself click on the "more" link to the
right. The first link after the grid is "change my information," click
there. Then select "begin editing my information." You will then be
prompted to log in using your career account login and password. Your
login is njaveri and you password is what you created on SSINFO. You
will then see a grid with information about you. Towards the bottom of
the grid you will see a link that says "change service," click here.
You want to change your service to store and then press ok.Now you
will be able to log into using the login and
your password. If you have any further questions please feel free to
contact me again.</p>

<p>I suggest you go to and check out the reviews for laptops. they have categorized them perfectly. Once you know the model no , company etc you are looking for or have short-listed some probables go to <a href=""&gt;;/a> where you can buy your laptop super cheap. Check out the Dell Inspiron 9300 .... I think its got by far the best VFM [Value for $$$ ] . In , general i think a dell will be best suited for student needs.... Once you have short-listed tell me the models if your unsure i'll check em out and help u...</p>

<p>the inspiron 9300 is a pretty good laptop if your looking to get a desktop replacement. its ~8.1 lbs, 17-in 1920x1200 reso screen basically makes it so. comes with large HD, lots of a ram, and a pretty good video card. its pretty expensive though with those options probably ~2200. personally if you already have a desktop at school, i just dont see the point in getting a laptop that is this big</p>

<p>yup it is kinda bulky but it makes a great all-round laptop especially if you opt not to buy a Tv and desktop it serves the function of all 3 pretty well if u configure it... As for the price I ordered mine at round bout 1150 $ .... i got 800 $ off....</p>

<p>how did you get 800 bucks off. it came with the dvr? i'm assuming the dvr is through usb? i find that to be a really good price since the inspiron 9300 has a really good graphics card. are discounts availabe for other computers? becuase if so i might just return mine and get a better one. a link or something would be appreciated. thanks</p>