Laptop with usb tablet vs tablet notebook

<p>Hey everyone, I will be doing VT Engineering in the fall and I was wondering, as the title states, if it would be a better idea to buy a laptop with much higher specs than the Fujitsu Lifebook T900 and then use a tablet add-on with it. I've heard from some people that the tablet is only really needed for the intro to engineering class. Is that true? Which choice would be more beneficial in the long run?</p>

wondering the same thing.</p>

<p>read around this forum please. There are numerous threads about this.</p>

<p>In my process of researching this topic as well, it comes down to whether money is an issue and how heavy you would weigh versatility. Having a tablet PC is very versatile, and there are numerous valid points for why having a tablet PC is so useful. However, if you don’t care about versatility and could stick to pencil & paper and have staggered papers everywhere and whatnot or are generally neat, it’s not a big deal. Another discomfort I generally hear about external tablet’s is that their functionality is quite slow. Also, waiting for the laptop to recognize the device sometimes is cumbersome. </p>

<p>So being better comes down to if you’re patient & want versatility combined with mobility. I say if money is an issue, get the external, but if it’s not an issue but you simply don’t want to throw money like that, then get the tablet PC anyway because it’s quite handy. Of course that’s in my point of view, to you it might just be a burden if say you didn’t like to use your laptop that often, but in general most kids I’ve talked to have said they found it quite handy.</p>