<p>Did the AdCom take the week off too? Would this add to the already backed up schedule? I think this may be why most of us didn't receive packets/hear about people who got in. Do you guys know anything else? Has anyone called the Admissions Office within the last few days to see what's up? I have sooooo many questions and I hope you all have answers!!</p>
<p>Also, it seems as though acceptances are trickling out, rather than coming out in large waves like the first one. This could also point to USC being behind on admission decisions. Hm...</p>
<p>My S was already accepted in the first wave, but we got three different emails on the 20th. One from Annenberg admissions, one from USC admissions and one from Town and Gown. So I’m guessing that they were not taking time off last week.</p>
<p>Also didn’t a bunch of people have status updates on the 20th too?</p>
<p>I called the admissions office last week and a lady answered the phone. So I think they were still working even though it was Spring Break.
That doesn’t make me feel any better though, considering I still don’t have an update.</p>
<p>CollegeFrenzy, did your son get a decision on the Town & Gown scholarship?</p>
<p>Not much action today as far as reported acceptances. Could just be the calm before the storm. There may be a massive wave approaching, so don’t give up hope.</p>
<p>It seems to me like the admissions office is a little behind compared to last year. </p>
<p>I know the waiting is brutal for you guys, but there is enough time before April 1st to be accepted.</p>
<p>Fight On!</p>
<p>I didn’t realize it, but there are two different Town & Gown Scholarships. The USC main Town and Gown, and the Local Town and Gown Jr. Exchange.</p>
<p>It was funny because my S had an interview last Saturday for the Local Town and Gown, but received an email on Friday telling him that they read his application but it would not be asked for an interview by the USC Town and Gown. Very Confusing!</p>
<p>So he was not asked to interview for the USC Town and Gown, but did interview for the Orange County Town and Gown Jr. Exchange.</p>