Latin Kids/dorms/nightlife

<p>I am seriously thinking about going to school in madison this coming fall semester. My older brother from New York graduated UW and he loved it. My problem is that i live in Colombia. I spent three years five years living in miami florida and have become very comftrable around big city jewish kids ( i myself am jewish). I found that these kids are very receptive and hold very few prejuideces towards colombians and latings in general. It is for that reason that i had thought about rooming in a private dorm. However, i am curious to know how a wisconsinite would treat a colombian? sorry for the lame post, but i am really curious.<br>
Is wisconsin really a party school. How sick is the nightlife?</p>

<p>Nobody in Wisconsin knows enough Latins to care one way or the other. If you are cute the girls/boys will like the accent. There is one bar ( The Cardinal) known for having some Latin nights--it is owned by a Cuban.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>thanks for the reply. I am curious to know how the electronic music scene is? Do a lot of djs spin in madison?</p>

<p>Live music is bigger bit there are several clubs that have DJ's at least some of the time.</p>

<p><a href=",WI/Nightlife/Dance_Clubs/index.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;,WI/Nightlife/Dance_Clubs/index.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>On a scale from one to ten, one being nasty ten being a top model. what does the avergae wisconsin girl look like? and where do most of the hot girls hang and dorm at?</p>

<p>the princeton review rated madison as the number one party school. Does UW really deserve that rating?</p>

<p>Well, UW-Mad girls are nice and not like california beach girls.</p>

<p>Pick up this month's Playboy and there is a good sample--something like 16 girls. I'd say their greatest attribute is they have very progressive attitudes on sex. On Campusdirt the percent saying it was easy or pretty easy to hookup was much higher than most schools.</p>

<p>"I spent three years five years living in miami florida and have become very comftrable around big city jewish kids ( i myself am jewish)"</p>

<p>Live in Towers. </p>

<p>I actually knew a guy from Colombia and another from Miami (jewish). They seemed to enjoy themselves.</p>