learning to dance, its importance in college

<p>I'm in college, but for some reason, I never learned to dance. I grew up not knowing in middle and high school, and it hurt me to devastating effect, and it does so in college, when there are dances and I go with friends to the clubs. How do these other kids know how to dance, and where do they learn? Given my age, how should I go about it now? I am taking this semester off for an internship, but what should I do? I tried a class but it had 30 people in it, and all I did was look dumb. Should I take private lessons? Who else has had this problem?</p>

<p>Be a stubborn rebel and don’t conform - unless you really want to.</p>

<p>I am not sure if you mean ballroom and that kind of dancing, or club dancing. Best I can advise is lots of watching, and then just start doing it, preferably in a darkish room!! Perhaps your internship offers a setting where “you will never see any of these people again,” so let that lighten your stress and self-consciousness about it. I remember decades ago feeling that same way, and it is just sort of something that will come in time. Sad to say I married a man who still is not comfortable moving his body to music–don’t miss out on the pleasure of that. I’d give the class a second chance–after all, that is what classes are for!</p>

<p>I get what you mean. I don’t know how to dance either. But I’m not interested in learning so it doesn’t bother me. </p>

<p>Probably the most important thing to realize is that nobody really cares how you look when you’re dancing.</p>

<p>Watch the movie “Hitch” and learn what to do and not do while dancing (they’re a specific scene, you’ll know it when you find it).
Also, in contrast to polydentate, I’d say people DO care how you look when you’re dancing. If you dance like a spaz, people are going to label you as “that guy who dances like a spaz” and not dance with you ever again (and tell their friends not to either). It only doesn’t matter how you dance if you’re a GIRL. Guys have much lower expectations about girl-dancing than girls have about guy-dancing (most guys seem to be happy if they get any sort of chance to feel you up, while girls expect the guy to be smooth, know what he’s doing, lead correctly, etc).
I don’t think most normal people (ie not professional dancers) really “learn” how to dance (like club dancing, ballroom is a different story because there are specific steps involved)… they just follow the beat and do what comes naturally. This is only a problem if, like stated earlier, your idea of “following the beat” means looking like you’re having a seizure.</p>

<p>I used to also get really embarassed about dancing in public, until I got to college.</p>

<p>That’s when I realized, hey, 95% of the people around me are either wasted, tipsy, or on their way to becoming wasted, and not only are they flailing around awkwardly as well, but they won’t remember it the next day. now I don’t feel self-conscious when I dance because everyone else is drunk and assumes i am as well. besides, it’s all about having fun :slight_smile: and lol hitch was so funny</p>

<p>I assume you’re not talking about the waltzes at formal dances, where a basic waltz is pretty easy to learn.</p>

<p>Hitch is one idea, but meh - sure, Will Smith might look cool going with the understated side to side thing but he’s Will Smith and that just looks and feels boring.</p>

<p>I’ve never tried, but I heard varaitions of the Salsa and various faster-paced latin dances (Rumba, Marnaga - watever) are actually quite fun to do with a girl as far as “real dancing” goes. I’m going to look into those myself.</p>

<p>Otherwise, the hell with anyone’s expectations - just feel the beat and have fun out there. If you’re visibily having fun and outside of your head - people will be drawn to you and have fun with you.</p>

<p>Or just start grinding on a girl; that’s also a lot of fun.</p>

<p>I disagree that expectations are higher for a guy than a girl. As a guy I can provide quite the experience and entertainment without being a professional dancer. It would undoubtedly help to be a great dancer, but it would be a great surprise to the girl if anything haha. Girls have to know how to dance somewhat erotically - but I feel this is very easy. Personally, although I’m a man, I feel I can easily dance like a woman exceptionally, with the hips/ curvy dance/ occasional hands in the air, circular pelvis motions or arching your back against a man. I’m sure I could get quite a few laughs with my stereotypical college girl dance.</p>

<p>By the way, black girls dance way better in general, especially if you’re looking for a good time dancing where the girl will do most of the work (thrusting).</p>