Leaving for campus visit tomorrow

<p>Our family will be driving to Tuscaloosa tomorrow so ds can visit UA. DS has already been accepted and received the Presidential Scholarship. We are all very excited. Our local UA rep has planned a busy day for us on Friday. We’ll be meeting with admissions, meeting and lunch with honors rep, frat meeting and campus tour. </p>

<p>However, we planned to stay until Sunday morning since it is such a long trip. I’m not sure how easily we can get back to campus so I’d like for my ds to get real feel for the school. Since all our planned activities are on Friday does anyone have any suggestions for what to do on Saturday? Of course we will roam the campus and try local restaurants, but is there anything we should go out of our way to do while we’re there. Unfortunately there isn’t a home game this weekend and faculty aren’t available to meet with on Saturday.</p>

<p>Also, we are traveling as a family which means 12 year old twin brother and sister will be joining us. As such a large group should we be dropping ds off for these meetings or sitting in on them with him? Twins are certainly old enough enough to sit quietly and read a book.</p>

<p>DS would like to major in biology and minor in exercise science and history. Bama and UNC Chapel Hill are his first choices right now. Thanks for any suggestions. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Congrats! My D is also a Prez Scholar. Hang on to your socks because Alabama is about to rock them off! The HC tour is amazing. The campus is beautiful. It’s everything you’ve heard and more. </p>

<p>My suggestion to you would be to leave the younger siblings out of the planned events. Your S has earned this special moment and it should be his alone. It’s ok if one parent wants to tag along, but I would not take everyone into the meetings and such. </p>

<p>Let us know how it goes.</p>

<p>Roll Tide</p>

<p>Space might also be an issue when meeting with a professor since it will most likely be in their office.</p>

<p>For office meetings, I’d have the twins sit in chairs outside the office. If the meetings are in the SEC, I think there are seating areas. I know that when I was in Phase II, I waited in a seating area while my nephew met with a prof.</p>

<p>You might want to visit the Paul Bryant Museum, the RiverWalk (north of Campus), Downtown, The Strip, Midtown Village…</p>

<p>I would suggest that you walk around the campus an additional time. The tour and meetings can make it all a blur. The campus is beautiful at night too!</p>

<p>Go to the “Ferg” (Ferguson Center). The bookstore is downstairs, the Starbucks and other food options are upstairs along with many TVs to watch the games. It’s a great place to relax.</p>

<p>There may be some other events you would like to go to on campus. Here is a list:
[The</a> University of Alabama | Division of Student Affairs](<a href=“http://sa.ua.edu/calendar.cfm]The”>http://sa.ua.edu/calendar.cfm)</p>

<p><a href=“http://music.ua.edu/calendar-of-events/[/url]”>http://music.ua.edu/calendar-of-events/&lt;/a&gt;
<a href=“Events Calendar - The University of Alabama”>Events Calendar - The University of Alabama;

<p>Good luck to you. I hope you and your family enjoy your time at Bama!</p>



<p>I strongly second this recommendation.</p>

<p>If you head out for a Starbucks on Saturday morning, Starbucks at the Ferg opens at 10am on weekends.</p>

<p>WelcomeNCMomofThree! I hope you enjoy your visit. Where are you in NC? DD has committed to Bama and will also be a Presidential Scholar! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I second what was said about exploring the entire town. We did not do this and it was a huge mistake when we returned home! We thought Tuscaloosa was only The Strip and the run down outskirts of the downtown area. Our fault
Do go to the meetings with your son.
Check the athletics calendar, or ask, if there is any other sporting event happening. I know basketball is soon to start.
Enjoy every minute and ROLL TIDE!!</p>

<p>Depending on how much you like sports, touring the Bryant Museum or taking a stroll along the Walk of Champions might be good choices!</p>

<p>Thank you to all for your replies! All good information. Perhaps someone could help with an additional question. Should we be concerned this early about housing. I’m wondering if we should take a chance of “eating” the enrollment deposit to obtain good housing. Money is tight and I’d prefer to wait a month or two unless its recommended to do otherwise. </p>

<p>NC Mom. We are just outside of Raleigh. Would be wonderful if we and/or the kids could meet up once decisions are made. Thanks for reaching out.</p>

<p>I would pay for the housing now. Makes life easier, if you choose Bama.</p>

<p>We were glad we deposited early for housing. At the time, we chalked it up to “cost of doing business” knowing we would not get it back if he went elsewhere.</p>

<p>Also, even with siblings, I would consider having your student and both parents attend when possible. It is so helpful to share impressions and have all family members “in the know.” Of course, folks have differing opinions on this, but I felt compelled to throw that in.</p>

<p>NCMomofThree, we are right outside Raleigh too! My son is a sophomore and loves Alabama. Hope you enjoy your visit.</p>

<p>Have a great visit!</p>

<p>In October a couple years ago we were faced with the same housing deposit decision. I elected to make the deposit, since I thought there was at least a 50/50 chance D would choose Alabama, and if she did I wanted to make sure she ended up with the best possible housing situation. In retrospect, she would have been fine even if the deposit hadn’t been made because she was pulled into a suite by her roommate. However, that $250 bought a lot of peace of mind for me. I’m pretty sure that last year was even tougher for housing - I heard some stories of kids who deposited late and did not end up where they wanted to be. So I would advise making the deposit if you think there’s a decent chance your child will end up at Bama, unless “money is tight” means you’d be doing without something you need if the deposit is made.</p>

<p>NCMomofThree, We Are planning to visit in January and at some point will contact the Honors College and make plans. I was wondering though when you say “frat meeting” what you mean. Is there a particular frat you are meeting with? Sorry if this is a dumb question… Thank you!</p>

<p>We will have to start the Eastern NC Bama Chapter ladies! Would love to get together with both of you and your kids!</p>

<p>For ANY school that your son is super interested in, I suggest, putting a housing deposit down ASAP.</p>

<p>Lucky&blue ~ when we toured UA last January we had a Greek house tour but it was not a specific house. Our area rep set up all the appointments for us. We were really glad to have been able to not only tour a house but to sit Dow and openly talk to our house guide about the Greek life AND student life at UA.</p>

<p>Thank you, gotjenks45. That sounds perfect. I really appreciate the information.</p>