Okay here’s the story. I had straight A’s for all of high school. participated in tons of activities, worked a bunch of jobs, I had a great resume when I applied to college. I got accepted everywhere I applied. However, a measly 3-4 weeks into my first semester, some serious stuff happened and I left school. Literally. I just packed up my stuff and went home. Unfortunately, I was a bit too distracted to officially back out of attending the school, so I got a letter after the semester had ended with some very poor grades on them (because I wasn’t even there!). I enrolled at my local community college the very next semester. I didn’t ‘transfer’ anything from that first school, because I had no credits to transfer anyway. I just started anew.
Fast forward to 3 semesters later, and I’m ready for take two at a 4 year school. I sent out my applications, and I’m super excited. I was told that if I didn’t want anything from that first school to count, I should just leave it out. Especially since my CC transcript has me listed as a new student, with no record of my attempt to attend the other college before that. So I omitted the whole first school nonsense, and in my transfer essay I explained the serious problem from earlier and how it prevented me from attending school that first semester. I just didn’t mention the part about how I HAD attended school for the first few weeks. I guess I made it sound as though I was planning on attending but never did. I figured if I mentioned it, it would be confusing since I didn’t mention that first school anywhere else on the application. Now all of a sudden, I read some post about how I could be EXPELLED from my new college for omitting the first school!
So I guess the question is, is this seriously gonna happen? I’m applying to large 4 year schools…the kind that I wouldnt think closely examine and investigate every one of their applicants/students. How/why would my new college even get the idea to look that kind of thing up? I really don’t think I sounded suspicious. My reason for not attending that first semester is actually a pretty common problem for many students. I mean…I did receive aid from that first school but, I just don’t see the financial aid dept rushing to call the admissions dept to be like “THIS STUDENT HAS RECEIVED AID FROM 2 SCHOOLS DID THEY TELL YOU GUYS THAT??” especially since most of the schools I’m applying to are need-blind (meaning they don’t view financial aid info until after the student has been accepted…which means the admissions dept has no need to peek at financial aid history). I’m nervous because I really wasn’t trying to be a sneaky liar! I just thought it didn’t matter if I included it if I didn’t need it! I thought I had some kind of…I don’t know…privacy??
And if the worst thing in the world does happen, and at some point in the future I am notified that an inconsistency has been found between my application and my “record”…Is there a chance that I could explain that I didn’t realize it was against the ‘law’ and NOT be expelled? I mean really, I was there for 3 weeks and then I never saw the place again. I hardly find that a necessity in judging my academic background…
I’m panicking. SOS. please help.