Legacy or volunteering?

My daughter is planning to apply to Tech for either a Psychology BA or Psychology BS next year and we are trying to do some research. Is there any benefit her dad graduated from Tech? Do they consider volunteering much? She is debating taking an extra science class or doing another year long internship again in the field of psychology and not sure which is a better use of her time.

VT “considers” both alumni relation and volunteer work. As in, they will give her a leg up, but won’t make up for a bad grade or low test score. They also “consider” extracurriculars, so they’ll be weighted the same. Just depends what they want to see and what makes her app stronger.

Seems like Legacy family was not big in the determination this year. As izrk02 mentions, it is looked at but won’t overcome if other factors not in applicants favor. It sounds like its more of a tiebreaker at this point with 2 students same strength of application and borderline decision between the 2.

Volunteering I’m sure would improve their stats some as with all extracurriculars.

@CaliforniaMomma I would encourage her to look at the long term and lean towards that internship. Having that in-depth EC that applies directly towards her intended major should be a differentiator for admissions, and it’s add’l prep towards her field of study regardless of what school she ultimately attends.

Thank you!