Let's get a list of those who have decided to attend Miami for 2006!!

<p>I'll start.</p>

<p>My S will be attending for 2006. He got the 3/4 scholarship and is very excited. He will be majoring in Computer Science with a concentration in probably Cryptology and Security. he is also looking to double major in either a business area, networking, or gaming theory.</p>

<p>One of his best friends will also be attending (major undeclared) with a 1/3 scholarship.</p>

<p>We're from Colorado.</p>

<p>Who else has made the decision to definately attend?</p>

<p>my decision should come by next week after the admitted student reception......its between UM or Tulane</p>

<p>also with a 3/4 scholarship</p>

<p>I'd go Miami for sure. Particularly with that scholarship. Tulane right now, being in N.O. is kind of a mess as is the surrounding area. While both are vibrant cities, I think the opportunity and recognitio of Miami also tips the scales. My S has been accepted to USC for next year (School of Engineering) and he's actually choosing Miami over USC. Money played some role in it but he knew that we felt that shouldn't be a deciding factor, but after seeing both schools, he really liked what he saw, heard, and participated in at Miami.</p>

<p>Good luck and maybe you'll meet me S next year.</p>

<p>We just got back from the accepted students open house. My D will be deciding any day now. She is choosing between Miami and American U.</p>

<p>yankeegirl49 > how was the accepted students open house?</p>

<p>anyway, for this thread poster, i am most likely going to UM.. probably 95% chance or something like that.. doing business</p>

<p>i checked on myspace and xanga. there are people who are attending UM this year definitely and they seem to be really excited about it as well.</p>

<p>I'm definitely in there...transfer, class of 09/10!!!</p>

<p>blackchicken...the open house was very nice, not too much different from all the other tours/visits we have done, but of course Miami was the prettiest campus. Our tour guide was very nice and very helpful as was everyone we came in contact with. President Shalala spoke and while I knew some of her background I was impressed with her resume and the way she spoke. I was also impressed when we were told that ALL incomming freshman get invited to her house for a barbaque during orientation. We went to a presentation by the School of Communications since that is where my D will be going and there are wonderful opportunities. The students that were there seemed really happy to be there.
You can PM me with any specific questions and I will try to answer.
My D seems to be leaning towards Miami, but I think she is just trying to put off making a decision as to avoid the finality of it all.
Good luck!</p>

<p>My s has to decide. He likes the size, the city factor, and the engineering (biomed). WashU has a more rigorous approach, but nowhere near the excitement. We've never seen such a vibrant place as Miami seemed to be when we visited over spring break. The big plus is the Ashe scholarship at Miami (3/4) vs. $00.00 coming from WashU. Still, he wants to go back one more time for their Engineering Weekend (paid by WashU) to make up his mind.</p>

<p>jaxmo - If my parents were in your position, they wouldn't let me think about Wash U, lol!</p>

<p>yea im going to UM for sure now after going to the accepted students open house. the campus was beautiful and our tour guide did a great job. for anyone who was there at open house, did you guys see that womens flag football tourney going on, it was WILD!</p>

<p>My daughter has made her decision and she will be attending U of M in the fall of 2006!!!! She too made the decision after attending the open house. Palm trees, sunshine and lounge chairs by the pool were hard to pass up...lol.
RubberBandman..we saw the girls playing and my D who is very athletic cannot wait to sign up!</p>

<p>I JUST finally deposited. I can't believe it!</p>

<p>Congrats blackchicken...where are you from?</p>

<p>I'm an international, from Asia.</p>

<p>My S, James, has made numerous connections with kids who will be attending Miami this fall on Facebook and MySpace. So for you guys who have made the decision to go there, you might try it out as well.</p>

<p>jdm..thank you. My D has been on MySpace as well. I hope she can make some connections as she does not know a soul who is going there.</p>

<p>I believe that most of his connections came on FaceBook. he has said he's already in contact with like 24 peeps who have made the decisio to go to Miami next year. I think FaceBook may have a better way to search on this type of info or some better way of making the connectio across it's membership.</p>

<p>Frankly, I've looked at these sites and find them predominantly silly (guess that's why I am fast earning my "old fart" title these days, LOL)</p>

<p>i have seen some on myspace as well :) i didn't have a facebook account before because i didn't want to get addicted but i guess this is the time to make one!</p>

<p>jdmcool & all other parents > these sites are actually pretty fun!!</p>

<p>ROFLMAO, I know they can be fun (and full of complete useless info, LOL) and not only that, they're a great way to keep tabs on what you guys are up to and more importantly what your FRIENDS are up to and doing. :-)</p>

<p>That way we have help as parents in guiding you to become rich, rewarding members of society and not future Eddie Haskels (hmmm, that reference may have dated me) or potential Charlie Mansons.........</p>

<p>Really though, i know that they are fun, just giving you a hard time. who knows, you may run into my son on one, he's on both of them. I don't know exactly how you go about identifying someone on these sites (I run more toward regular boards (and I don't do beer pong) so you'll have to figure it out. PM me and I will give you an on line handle he sometimes uses, particularly on Xbox live. He probably references somewhere on his sites.</p>

<p>I'm going to the university of miami!!!! so excited! I paid my enrollment deposit like a month ago and housing and all that other good stuff! Well i'm majoring in biochemistry or biomedical engineering but most likely biochemistry because College of Arts and Sciences is what I was admitted to. I already got my registration pack in the mail and I started to read it but it kind of just turned into a big blur.... LOL I think i'll figure it out. I'm just not sure which classes and how many I should be taking. Definitly chem, bio, and english but I just don't know if I should be taking Calc or Spanish or both at the same time first semester. I will be making my facebook account really soon, I already have the high school one so i'm already addicted... if that's bad?? hehe</p>