Letters of acceptance

Hey all. Son and I on the edge of our seats waiting. We were not automatic acceptance… received the “thanks for applying, we are reviewing and could be 2-4 weeks” email. We were 4 week last week. Any thoughts?

Welcome!! Going to need more to go on. What are your sons stats? Hang in there.

I guess my thread was mainly asking if academic review candidates had started receiving letters. We are on week 5 of their 2-4 week window.

Applied for Ag communications major
Act 26
Top qtr
Impeccable high school activities/ community service record

From what we see on this forum, holistic review candidates have not been notified of acceptance. There may have been and engineering student. But anyway, majority will not hear back til January/February. With a 26 on ACT, I would say that’s when your son will hear. Crossing fingers for sooner, but just being realistic based off of last year.

My son, who was a holistic review candidate for College of Geosciences, was admitted about 3 weeks ago. However, I haven’t heard of many others on here. We were surprised that he found out so early since we weren’t expecting any news until at least January. He was in the top 12th percent with a 29 ACT and 1250 SAT.

@BattlinBillie2020 thats awesome. Congrats. Did your son have any outstanding extras that made him stand out. A letter of Rec from someone at tamu or something for instance. They truly look at holistic review candidates holistically. It’s great! Your sons act and rank are pretty dang close to academic or auto (12%) so it’s not surprising he’s accepted, but yay for finding out early!!!

@BattlinBillie2020 @dazyjase My son was also a holistic review candidate with only 1320 SAT. He applied Oct 20 and received acceptance Nov 8. Unfortunately his 1st choice major was Mays but he did not get that. He was admitted Liberal Arts Econ.

@justus4 same happened to my son (class of 2022). He likes Econ a lot but will try to change major into mgmt pre law track with a minor in Econ. Either way it’s a great major. He’s learned so much and it’s very applicable to business.

Glad to hear your son likes Econ because it worries us. My son had his heart set on finance. In hindsight, maybe he should’ve applied earlier with a slightly lower SAT score (before Mays was full). Oh well, happy he will be in Aggieland!!!

@AggieMomhelp He uploaded one really great recommendation letter from a former teacher/UIL Academic coach, but that was the only extra thing he had in there. She is not an Aggie. We are so thankful but still very surprised. I went to A&M and he was born in Bryan while I was there…not sure if that had anything to do with it or not. Lol! He was very close to being an auto admit, so he was a bit frustrated with that. Perhaps Meteorology in Geosciences isn’t a major many choose???

@justus4 yall go look at the ma finance program!! It’s a 5 years masters and it’s a great program for Econ and stem majors. He would apply As early as the beginning of sophomore year!!!

@justus4 my nephew is a junior Econ major at TAMU…he got accepted into the Masters of Finance and is loving it so far…it’s an amazing program!

That’s awesome. My son was going to do apply, but is realizing he’s not as strong as he should be in math to do it. Glad your nephew is loving it!!

My son has letters of Recommendation from his teacher/UIL coach and from one of the most renowned Ag science graduate from A & M. His participation in events record ranges from UIL state champion one act play in two years ago, DECA, FFA leadership, FFA speaking, 4H . NHS, work history, volunteerism, UIL speaking, stock show.

Dual credits on his course load with high GPA from that. (Going In as sophomore ). Just out of top 10%.

My daughter is holistic review as well. Applied July 31st and still waiting… we are expecting to hear in February, since that’s when my oldest daughter was accepted to Blinn Team back in 2016 (she’s now a senior at A&M!). 2nd daughter was auto-admit so she got her acceptance in September (2017).

Daughter who applied for Fall 2020:
homeschooled (they assigned her 25% ranking)
SAT 1300
Great essay
Lots of extra-curricular and leadership, community service
2 letters of recommendation

I’m praying she gets in since her 2 older sisters are already there! My girls are 4th generation Aggies, so acceptance is like hitting the jackpot around here! LOL!

@agmom94 sounds like she has a great chance of getting full admit or Team. As you know, TEAM is like gold around here. So many positives! Keep us posted.

My son just received his acceptance email to the college of engineering-College Station tonight! We weren’t expecting to hear until January! Yay!

1490 SAT
Top 10%

Also adding he applied on 11/5 and received notification of general acceptance with engineering review on 11/25 and accepted to engineering-College Station on 11/28

We are out of state