<p>My son should be an auto-admit next fall, but we were wondering if teacher letters of recommendation would increase his odds for getting his choice of major?</p>
<p>If so, do we just give the teacher a stamped/addressed manilla envelope addressed to admissions? He has at least two teachers he's fairly close to, so I think they'd write great letters.</p>
You will need to have a document ID sheet printed off the Applicant.tamu.edu web site to be sent along with the letters. On the document ID form, you will fill out the form writting in informations like date of application, and UIN number. The UIN number will come 1-2 weeks after they accept his application and put him into the system.<br>
Sending the document ID sheet with the letters of Rec’s will assure the letters get placesd with his other documents.
I have no idea if the letters of Rec will help at all… I do know they don’t hurt 
My daughter had 3 great letters - all of which we read prior to sending on to TAMU.</p>
<p>What major are you looking at? If you apply early, I think you are guaranteed your major if you are top 10%, aren’t you? Good luck and gig 'em!</p>
<p>you are only guaranteed admission for top 10% & for academic admits</p>
<p>I was told they offer admission to the college first and then look at the prospective majors. Letters of recommendation are nice, but many of them just say the kid is wonderful.
The counselor I talked to said to have the rec. letters speak about personal experiences…not just a generic…I recommend this kid yada yada.</p>
<p>However, overall do they help a student get into a major I have no idea.</p>
<p>But really once someone is admitted to the college can’t they just change majors if their GPA is good???</p>
<p>There are at least two majors you cannot just transfer into:
Business &
This is stated on paper at the New Student Conferences -
There may be more, I just am not positive about other majors like I am about the above two. I would suspect several Engineering Majors would be very selective.
I do know that many of the colleges limits were maxed out very quickly this year and last min transfers were not allwoed- it would be best to pick your major and apply specifically to that college rather than General Studies.</p>
<p>OP said he was auto admit…</p>
<p>auto admit only gets you int TAMU
not the college of your choice</p>
<p>If you are top 10% and apply by Dec. 1st, I thought you were guaranteed your major, but maybe not academic admit…oh well…good luck and gig 'em!</p>
<p>"The UIN number will come 1-2 weeks after they accept his application and put him into the system. "</p>
<p>I’m told that auto-admits hear back within that amount of time (tho I don’t know if that’s a general admit or directly into their major). It seems like by the time the letters would get there the decision would be already made. Am I wrong?</p>