
<p>i was accepted two days ago! i love the map they sent (and everything else).</p>

<p>accepted Friday :)
CC is my first choice, but financial aid stuff might cause me to choose Northwestern (90% discount, and I want to go into journalism...). CC gave me the $5K a year Presidential Scholarship but I also would have $5500 a year in loans. This comes on the same day we receive news we've lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in the recent financial collapse. Hopefully everything works out...regardless, I'm just so happy to know for sure I could end up at CC next year.</p>

<p>Deferred until regular decision, found out today. But I'm not too worried about because CC is not my first choice.</p>

<p>Congratulations to all. Hope everyone gets into their first choice with plenty of $$.</p>

<p>Just an update - I looked at CC's website and emailed Roberto Garcia, the head of admissions. He responded immediately, apologized for their "obvious oversight", and said a package would be in the mail that day (Friday) to my daughter:) what a nice guy!!</p>

<p>Well, there is some selectivity. My son was just outright rejected.
We come from a really small school with no AP/IB but he has a 32 ACT, 3.65 GPA and several dedicated activities. I don't know.
He's disappointed but not depressed.
It sort of makes me wonder what his recc. letter said???</p>

<p>NEValu, my condolences. Hopefully your S will get in somewhere that he will be totally happy with in the long run.</p>

<p>In the meantime, there is often no rhyme or reason to acceptances. The daughter of a good friend of mine with very high stats got rejected from all of her favourite schools (not Ivy, just good small LACs). She is totally in love with her "safety", and got lots of $$, too.</p>

<p>Check this out:</p>

<p>Dirty</a> Secrets of Admissions Officers - What does it take to get in? - The Application Process - AdmissionsAdvice.com</p>

<p>i was accepted around december 15th. but one of my friends who applied EA still hasnt heard....does this mean she was most likely not accepted?</p>

<p>Theresa44 - I am going to go out on a limb and say, wait until she receives some sort of letter (and if she doesn't pretty soon, she should call the admissions office). Don't try to decipher the decision based on filing or mailing issues! This is a stressful-enough process already.</p>