<p>ok, so the Dec SAT was horrorshow in my opinion, in nov. I took SAT2 and in october SAT1 and I thought is was pretty easy.
For those who have taken the Jan SAT1 before, how would you compare it to other SAT1 tests and their level of difficulty.</p>
<p>There shouldn’t be any real correlation between how difficult the SAT is and when it’s given. Some SATs are just harder than others, and they’re curved to reflect that.</p>
<p>I have, however, heard that the October and June tests are usually curved a bit harsher because of the number of rising Juniors/Seniors that take them.</p>
<p>I’m also wondering if anything like that applies to the January SAT? Seems like it would be a bit tougher, given that Christmas Break is quite close to it - a long period in which to study would seem to help…</p>
<p>I think that the december is the hardest because for many it’s the last time when they can take it before the deadline in january( if they’re applying to universities that don’t accept January SAT)</p>
<p>It’s all in your head. The difficulty of the tests rarely vary to the point where you can begin assigning them “levels”- It’s understandable that the Dec SAT can seem much harder, because it’s the last SAT you can take. Perhaps you felt pressured? I didn’t take the dec SAT, but if it really was that much more difficult, then the curve will be generous.</p>
<p>The difficulty of each test doesn’t vary that much, right?
I would think maybe a couple of hard math problems or vocab words but no drastic change in difficulty</p>
<p>the curve should fix any discrepancies in difficulties. When we come to the point where we can assign difficulties to SAT dates, the collegeboard isn’t doing their job correctly.</p>
<p>It is true that sometimes the fall/winter tests are curved SLIGHTLY less generously than other ones in the year, but that’s because there are often more people who have taken the test multiple times taking it November than in, say, May. The difference shouldn’t be appreciable enough, though, that your score really SUFFERS because of the month you chose to take it in.</p>
<p>Here’s the data for January exams since the SAT format change. Shown is the first few points of the math curve … the higher the numbers, the harder the test.</p>
<p>1/06 1/07 1/08
=== === ===
800 800 800
800 780 790
770 760 760
750 740 740
730 720 720</p>
<p>Compared to the average of all the QAS months, 1/06 was pretty tough (generous curve) but 1/07 and 1/08 were very much “typical” tests (average curve).</p>