Lewis and Clark EA Applicants '15


<p>Accepted as well!</p>

<p>Congratulations all.</p>

<p>congrats to everyone!</p>

<p>i received a deferral email. i was at first unsure what to think about it, as i switched my application path and received a lot of faulty emails from l&c prior to this point. my admissions counselor told me to just ignore them, so i thought this might be the same and my true decision would come later (my portfolio wasn’t in until mid-november and i was told i’d get a decision in january) but i now am sure this is the real deal. </p>

<p>i’m unsure whether to continue with the admissions process or focus on the colleges that i got accepted at. every other school i applied to was early action as well. i’m pretty sure i’ll be outright rejected RD. i was crossing my fingers that i would either be rejected or accepted, i can’t handle being in limbo.</p>

<p>This is my first post but ahhh I got accepted!</p>

<p>boiling wax- I think that if you really love l&c you should continue with the admissions process. You know you have other good options and no that it’s in you don’t have to do anything else. Why not wait? Good luck.</p>

<p>thanks :)</p>

<p>i might continue with the process. if i get accepted RD i probably won’t get a great deal of merit aid, though. i’ll probably end up at willamette, because they gave me a rather generous scholarship offer. </p>

<p>to everyone who got accepted, do you think you’ll end up going to l&c?</p>

<p>I’m not. Going to Reed. One more spot that needs to be filled, then. </p>

<p>I’m surprised your weren’t admitted, frankly. PS: can you submit your test scores (even if you chose the portfolio path option)? Your 30 is good, really. I think it may make a difference.</p>

<p>i did submit my scores with my portfolio path application. i think it was my consistently subpar grades in mathematics that did it. even my math ACT score was really low. </p>

<p>have fun at reed!</p>

<p>Admitted. The football coach and the athletic department director both notified me of my acceptance beforehand so it wasn’t too exciting.</p>

<p>Congratulations to all!</p>

<p>I hope you all attend Lewis & Clark College!</p>

<p>Have any EA applicants gotten their merit award increased? I heard that they review them at about this time, although it is very competitive, for an increase from the 1/4 tuition to the possibly 1/2 or full-tuition.</p>

<p>Yes I did actually! I got the call on friday - neely scholarship! Full tuition :slight_smile: I just got my FA letter today too, so that information should be in there.</p>

<p>Full tuition! Congratulations.</p>

<p>Yes, congratulations! My d hasn’t heard anything yet, so maybe that means only the 1/4 tuition. Lewis and Clark goes into the unaffordable school list - it was the lowest merit that she got. And I originally thought it would be one of the better merit schools - I guess you never can tell!</p>

<p>Financial aid packages for EA students are arriving any day now, I got mine yesterday, so there’s still a chance - I don’t know if they called everyone who got the 1/2 tuition scholarships.</p>

<p>Also got full-tuition Neely Scholarship. Waiting to hear from Whitman to see if they offer anywhere near. Haven’t been contacted about an interview or anything, so I doubt it.</p>

<p>D finally got email acceptance. But no aid letter yet. I think they must be experimenting with all the possible ways to notify–maybe someone is doing a study!</p>

<p>Would those of you who got your merit aid increased mind posting your stats? Trying to determine if it’s worth hoping for…
Thanks! And Congratulations!</p>

<p>GPA: 3.91
ACT: 34
Full IB diploma candidate
Intended major: Chem (although I checked both chem and theatre on the common app)
Lots of theatre ECs, really good essays and recs, no interview but I talked at least 3 times to my regional admissions officer at college fairs, etc.
I submitted my extended essay after getting notified in January that I was being considered for the scholarship.</p>

<p>For a more detailed stats thing, stalk my past posts.</p>