Life at Virginia Tech

<p>Has anyone gone to or attended Vt?
Im curious to know what its like.
Im going to be in the Corps of Cadets </p>

<li><p>how challenging?</p></li>
<li><p>what are the corps dorms like?</p></li>
<li><p>how is the sociality? (parties, making friends, etc.)</p></li>
<li><p>And is there a decent balance of women? I know Georgia Tech is very unbalanced, and i heard it was extremely hard to get a gf there, is Vt like that?</p></li>

<p>Thanks for the help guys</p>

<li><p>It depends on your major. Engineering has a reputation of being challenging, while something like communications tends to be substantially easier. It’s more about effort than anything else though–if you study effectively, go to office hours when you need help, and start projects well in advance–you shouldn’t be getting killed GPA wise.</p></li>
<li><p>Old and out-of-the-way.</p></li>
<li><p>There’s never an absence of parties, it’s up to you if you want to go to them. You’ll probably make lots of friends living in your dorm, as well as in the corps in general.</p></li>
<li><p>Overall there’s a pretty good balance of women. Engineering is still pretty heavily skewed towards males, don’t count on meeting lots of girls through your classes (although it’s always possible).</p></li>

<p>Everything ymon says is true, though it’s probably true of most schools.</p>

<p>1) Any good school will be challenging. If you’re in, you’re obviously qualified. If you’re in any of the more demanding majors, your high school work ethic won’t be enough for a 4.0. That’s not to say it is unattainable, however. It’ll come down to sacrifices you’re willing to make because nobody will make them for you. GPA freshman year will be a direct correlation to the effort you put in.</p>

<p>2) Can’t comment on their quality, but they’re sort of close to the academic buildings. Schultz is towards the bottom in terms of eating and you’re a ways away from the other dining halls. Anyone not expecting to walk a distance on Tech’s campus is looking at the wrong school, and I imagine it won’t be too bad for you.</p>

<p>3) It’s a big school. You’ll meet people and you’ll make friends if you’re a good person. You won’t just magically appear at parties, but they’re always around if you want to go and know people. </p>

<p>4) The balance is fine. It shouldn’t really matter how many girls there are in terms of getting a ‘gf’; if you’re a nice guy you’ll meet girls at any school.</p>