Questions on VT student life

<p>I was accepted for Engineering, I was just wondering how respected VT engineering degrees are and how much students enjoy the programs? Also is there any flexibility in the curriculum? I kind of want to do a multidisciplinary approach.
Also for student life I was wondering about things to do for students under 21 (I won't be 21 until halfway through senior year)? Like are the frats generally open to everyone?
Also I was wondering about the dorm life because when I was there they seemed small, awkwardly arranged, and very very hot.
Comments of the female population would also be nice.</p>

<p>I’m a graduating senior in Materials Science and Engineering.</p>

<p>VT engineering is very well respected. Hundreds of companies recruit at VT for interns and full time hires. I’ve enjoyed my education but it is hard. You will be challenged and you won’t do as well as you’re probably used to. If you can accept that you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>Most majors have a good bit of flexibility. For MSE you take 5 classes called “technical electives” which are classes that pertain to our major, but aren’t hand-picked for us. For example, I liked metals so I took metal casting and metallography classes. You’ll also have to take several classes completely outside of engineering that you get to choose, like history or whatever.</p>

<p>If you’re under 21 it’ll be kind of risky as far as going downtown goes. Bars are pretty strict (in my opinion, seeing as I come from a place where I’d been drinking in bars since I was 18.) The houseparty scene is fantastic though. The buses run on weekends until 2 or 230 to all of the major apartment complexes, and if you want to pay Hooptie (taxi service) can pick you up after that. Frats are open to pretty much everyone, but you’re not going to have trouble having a social life if you don’t join. Check them out and if you really like one go for it, if you don’t it’s far from the end of the world.</p>

<p>They are small and very hot, although if you get two box fans and put them in the windows and keep your door open when you’re home (which you should be doing anyway) it’s not bad. Some dorms do have AC but if you’re a freshman in general housing you’re probably not going to get one. It’s really not bad and being right next to the best dining halls in the nation (we were ranked #1 again this year) makes up for a lot of the shortcomings.</p>

<p>Two thumbs up on the female population. It’s been very positively commented on by friends from other schools I’ve had visit.</p>

<p>I’ll offer an opposing view. VT engineering is well respected; however, through my experience, it’s hard to make the most out of it. I’m an Electrical engineer, which is probably one of the more difficult engineering disciplines out there. In my program, I’ve only encountered about 2-3 professors that can teach well. Many of the professors here are only interested in research because this is a very RESEARCH-ORIENTED school and you can definitely tell half way through college. Just to be clear, I’m doing very well academic-wise so I’m not just a rager who’s ****ed about my low GPA, but it just kind of sucks when I find myself learning everything from the textbook. With that said, maybe it’s all relative and all undergrad engineering programs suck, who knows… VT does however offer many types of engineering programs and within these programs you can probably find many specific disciplines. But in the end, VT is well respected and if you can survive you’ll definitely find a good job.</p>

<p>the girls are aight here, but obviously with 45% F, 55% M overall population it’s hard to avoid sausagefests. Also the Engineering program is like 10% F, 90% M… so gl finding a smart chick… frats… you can sometimes expect a small fee… but they’re alright… The apartment parties are pretty good, until the ****in police come. I got a noise violation and had to pay $100 to my apt complex and $200 to the city. o__O and I goto UVA a lot and ive seen 3 parties get busted there. They would just party more after the police left without giving them a fine. among all the schools in VA, we have the most anal police. seriously the police are ass holes here. People get pulled over for doing 20 mph on the 15mph speed limit around the drillfield. I got a ticket for riding my bike the wrong way!!!</p>

<p>The dorm room sizes vary. My dorm had really small rooms and it didn’t help that my dorm was a foot smaller width-west than the others, but if you get lucky you might get one of the really nice rooms. I know a few freshmen who have the nicer ones so it’s really all just a gamble. As for the heat, it’s really only a problem for the first two weeks. It gets really nice after u pass that hot period for like a month and then you hit freezing weather. </p>

<p>Just gotta keep it real ya know? <em>pound chest twice then do peace sign</em></p>


I find this offensive. Engineering is not the only discipline where you will find smart people! Engineers understand the physical world but liberal arts people understand how minds work.</p>

<p>haha i can agree with the police! my mom and i went up there awhile back and got pulled over twice. once was because we looked “suspicious” :P</p>

<p>They’re pretty bad about pulling you over, but I’ve never been at a house party where the people that lived there were fined. I’ve been to several that got busted up though.</p>

<p>And at 45/55 it isn’t hard to avoid sausagefests. That’s really not that big of a difference.</p>

<p>since these cops are the kind to pull you over, are they also the kind to blackmail you into searching your car because “if i don’t have anything i don’t want him to find then why do i mind him searching”?</p>

<p>You don’t need to consent to a search of your car. The worst they can do if you don’t consent is call in the K9 unit to sniff your car. They can’t arrest you and you’re not breaking any laws by invoking your fifth amendment rights. The same goes for house parties, you don’t have to let them in unless they can spot something potentially illicit through the windows (that said, you should still probably kill the party once the cops show up).</p>

<p>and then what if the dogs smell something? there i would be, never consenting to a search, and they will have effectively searched the car.</p>

<p>I’ve never heard of anyone getting their car searched. I’m sure it’s happened but there is no reputation around here that I’ve ever heard of of police searching a ton of cars.</p>

<p>And the reason you don’t have to consent if the dog smells something is that at that point they have probable cause. That’s everywhere though.</p>

<p>I am really excited about Tech’s engineering program, but I am very worried about the size of the school. I also got into Carnegie Mellon and RPI and I think a medium size like those schools might be a better fit for me, but since I’m in-state in Virginia, the difference in cost is just too great. I am kind of shy and nerdy - what would the social environment be like for someone like me? Will I fit in if I am not a partier? Will I feel lost in such a large school? Any thoughts would be appreciated!</p>