Life of a UM student/schedule

<p>What would be a typical daily/weekly schedule for a UM student? Obviously this may depend on your major and personality ect but just to give us prospective students an idea.
When do you wake up? When are classes? What happens at night? ect ect ect

<p>Well, like you said, it really does depend on your major, AP credits, personality, etc. For example, I know some people who have 8 AM’s every day, where I only have one class on Mondays and Wednesdays at 3:35, start at 11:00 AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and have no classes on Fridays. There really is no typical schedule, no typical student, no typical “life”. But that, in my opinion, is what makes UM so awesome. You have the ability to make it your education, not just an education. You can personalize it however you want. In terms of night life, I see people go out every single night, but I also see a bunch of people like me who go out only occasionally and prefer to just do other things with friends or by themselves. There are so many personalities at Miami, so it’s extremely hard to stereotype a “typical” Miami student. Sorry if that’s not the answer you expected and/or wanted…</p>

<p>I’m not a huge guy for nightlife, so my schedule usually involves classes all day Monday, then half of the day Tuesday, and one evening class on Wed., Thur., and a morning class on Fri. Over the weekend I’ll play video games with friends, go out to movies, check out cool things (laser shows, drive-in movies, festivals, concerts, sports games, etc.) and sometimes I’ll go home on weekends.</p>

<p>Scattered in there I have other fun things, like student organizations (I’m involved in WVUM, volunteer organizations, P100), work (in the athletic department for me), and personal projects (I run a few websites which generate a lot of traffic (and income :slight_smile: )) Other fun stuff, too, especially when we get cool speakers, like presidents and what not. Last week I got to chat with Justice Sotomayor with about ten other students for half an hour, and tomorrow it’s looking like I’ll have the same opportunity with Justice Kennedy (who authored one of my favorite opinions of all time (see Lawrence vs. Texas)).</p>

<p>Your mileage will, obviously, vary. Some people throw South Beach and Coconut Grove into that mix, but it’s just not my thing.</p>