like omgz, interview?!

<p>so how many of you signed up for an interview? i didn't and now i'm starting to doubt if that was such a great idea... i know it says that pomona "highly recommends" that students schedule for an interview, so by not scheduling one am i ruining my chances? is it too late to sign up for an interview for the 'by the end of december' deadline?</p>

<p>I requested an interview online by the deadline, and when I did not receive a response like I did with other schools that I requested, I called the Pomona admissions office.
I spoke with a woman who referred me to another person in charge of direction off campus interviews, and I e-mailed her. Two weeks later, still no response at all.</p>

<p>I found the whole process disappointing and frustrating since I submitted my request on time. </p>

<p>I am applying EDII, and hopefully the lack of interview doesn’t kill my application :(</p>

<p>Huh, when I requested my interview a couple months ago everything went really smoothly. But I know lately that people have been having real trouble with the admissions office. And I think there was a deadline for interviews or all the slots were filled I heard.</p>

<p>So its not just me! I emailed the Pomona admin. office in the middle of November about an interview and they didn’t get back to me. I called twice more before I got a response from them in late December that they were sorry but didn’t have any slots. Even though I live in NH? I was really frustrated by the whole process as well. I did get an email saying that I could mail in a letter with any thoughts I wanted to share with them about myself since I wasn’t able to have an interview so I sent in a letter along with my resume and another essay. </p>

<p>Still not happy at all with the way Pomona handled it. Yet it does seem they are aware of their inability to meet a lot of the interview requests though.</p>

<p>so how are they going to know if we even put in an effort to schedule and interview? i just called (even though i knew it was all booked from what i’ve read!) and the guy just said no. hahhah</p>

<p>I had an alumni interview a couple of weeks ago. I’m not sure when the deadline was, but basically what happened was I submitted a request online, and then got an email with my alumni interviewer. I had to call her and set up a time to meet.</p>

<p>are you ****ing kidding generic?</p>

<p>if not… that is SOOO FUNNY.</p>

<p>and yet not.</p>

<p>sorry lol</p>

<p>I find it weird that they are dealing with these interview in so many different ways. I sent in a request on time, but admittedly near the end of the period, and they emailed me back saying that they couldnt fit me in (understandable). However, they said that they would include a letter saying that I did everything on time and it wasnt my fault</p>

<p>i asked for an interivew by email around the end of nov. but b4 thanksgiving. when i didnt get a response after a week or so, i called them up to see wut was wrong, and they said they never received my interivew request. so i did a request thingy over the fone and i did my interivew abt…2-3 weeks ago. i think i did okay, but i wuz kinda nervous so i smiled a lot…i hope thts good :)</p>

<p>Yea, I think I did pretty well but I think I said the word “interesting” like 100 times. I could just feel myself doing it and I couldn’t stop because I was so nervous! But my interviewer was really nice.</p>

<p>I had an interview in October, because I was going to apply ED1 but my SAT scores wouldn’t come in time… so I applied ED2. I had an alumni interview and I think it went well. I spent like the whole interview explaining my strange school system to the dude, who said he was impressed afterwards. So it’s all good. I think.</p>

<p>They actually require interview I believe for some areas of California. I live out of state and the last day to apply for an alumni interview was 12/1. I submitted my request on 11/20 or so… they sent me a week later saying,
We are pleased to hear that you are interested in Pomona College. We received your request for an alumni interview. This year we received an unexpectedly high number of requests for alumni interviews in your area and all available interview slots are filled. Therefore, we are unable to accommodate any further requests. </p>

<p>You may be aware that we strongly recommend, but do not require, an interview for applicants. Your application will not be negatively affected by the absence of an interview as you made every attempt to complete an interview with us. Your request and a copy of this letter will be placed in your file. </p>

<p>If you would like to learn more about Pomona or the application process, feel welcome to call our office or visit our website at [The</a> Pomona College Web](<a href=“”> Of course you are always welcome to visit the campus to take a tour, join an information session, or visit a class.</p>

<p>Again, I am sorry that we are unable to assign you an alumni interview. Please let us know if we can be of assistance in any way throughout the remainder of the application process.</p>

<p>Best wishes for a successful senior year.</p>

<p>I thought that was pretty encouraging… and considerate</p>

<p>I live in Washington, and I did an online request in early November. I called the office on the first week of December, and left a message. Two hours later the lady sent me an email that is already posted above ^^</p>