Likelihood of getting Iron Bowl tickets

<p>Alright folks, I need a bit of help. I’m trying to decide if i should come home over Fall Break or Thanksgiving break, but my decision hinges on the availability and cost of Iron Bowl tickets. What do you think my chances are of getting tickets through Bama? (I have 67 UA hours and 109 total, since I know hours play a role in this). Also, what would be the cost? What would be the cost through external sources? Any advice/predictions would be welcomed, since I really want to book either tonight or tomorrow, since Southwest ends their great deals tomorrow. (Round trip cost for fall break isabout 100 bucks cheaper as well). Thanks y’all!</p>

<p>I think student tickets are only based on UA hours earned. So I don’t THINK the 67 hours will be enough to get you tickets through The University. If you were able too, then the cost would be face value which is $85 I believe.</p>

<p>You won’t have any trouble buying them on the secondary market though. auburn is going to suck this year and the farm animals will be selling their tickets for feed money. You could probably buy a ticket in the $100 range if you want to sit amongst the branch bovinians. If you want to sit in the UA section look to pay between $125 - $150, but you might be able to get something cheaper.</p>

<p>Don’t forget to factor in the cost of nose clips, bug repellent, and a delousing. We certainly don’t want you bringing anything back to Tuscaloosa with you.</p>

<p>If I go, I’ll make sure to get all my immunizations and bring bottled water to drink. Who knows what runs through their tap. :)</p>

<p>That right there is why you were named scholar of the year :-)</p>

<p>Don’t forget to check out their new honors dorm. I hear it’s quite nice. </p>


<a href=“http://i240.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/ff259/casinoexec/trailer-park-taj-mahal.jpg[/IMG]”>http://i240.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/ff259/casinoexec/trailer-park-taj-mahal.jpg


<p>NJ…have you considered a job with Second City ??? By the way DD said to tell you that the girls talked and they are in need of a “house boy”…do i need to send you an application?</p>

<p>Tell her I’ll pay them $1500 a week for the job and I can start tomorrow :-)</p>

<p>Sounds like a deal too good to pass up…will pass it onto them!</p>

<p>The game is in Auburn this year. Very, very few tickets available to students. I’d go home.</p>

<p>Simple solution: find a grad student that doesn’t want to go and buy one from them.</p>