Likely letter!

<p>Got a phone call from my admissions rep today alerting me that I was going to get one soon!
And I was a deferred applicant! (Not an athlete...)
Anyone else?</p>

<p>Ugh, congrats to you MAJOR congrats. But I am thinking that maybe might app doesn’t have a chance. The office was missing one of my documents (school report) up until recently and everything is in now, but hearing things like the above make me think that they already made the decisions so it is pointless now. Even my interviewer today said they had already started making decisions.</p>

<p>Congrats though. :)</p>

<p>^ Scary thought that my app may be decided on already. Eepers. :/</p>

<p>Congrats, Sunshineyday!</p>

<p>Wow…I guess your day has been pretty…uh, sunshiney.</p>

<p>^ I feel like I just got hit in the gut by a sledgehammer - thanks Butternut (lol)</p>

<p>Man…a likely letter…that’s so awesome.
If I got one…I would dance to Seger’s “Old Time Rock and Roll” in a pink button down and my underwear.</p>


<p>except id do it naked</p>




<p>Bob Seger!</p>

<p>Hm… nope, unfortunately I haven’t been blessed enough to receive any type of correspondence from Yale since I got my decision… sigh. Congrats to you, though. :)</p>

<p>Impressive, babe.</p>

<p>Phi…Didn’t like that movie?</p>

<p>Congradulayshuns, sunshineyday!</p>

<p>congrats sunshineperson. Stats? Athlete? Either way, thou art amazing.</p>

<p>Wow CONGRATS. You’re the first person I’ve heard who got a likely letter after being deferred. And to get a likely letter from Yale, you must be ridiculous at life. You should feel great. Once again Congratulations!!!</p>

<p>Wow a call on a Sunday is really amazing. Can you tell us what state your are from?</p>


<p>i am torn between a desire to congratulate you on your remarkable achievement and another, slightly less honorable desire to despise your very existence as a result of extreme jealousy.</p>

<p>i’m in a good mood today, so it looks like the first one is going to win out. congrats :-p</p>


likely after being deferred</p>

<p>CONGRATS :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>im jealous :P</p>

<p>So jealous.
Could you post your stats?</p>

<p>congrats on getting one from yale!!!</p>

<p>omg omg omg!!! sunshineyday that gives the rest of us deferees so much hope! yay! and congrats (even though right now I kind of hate you 'cause I’m so jealous)</p>

<p>Congrats. I’m no going to lie. I’m so jealous I want to stab you. Just being honest :)</p>

<p>Would you be able to give us some generic stats? Why do you think you got one?</p>

Exceptional academics?
Work experience?
Extra C’s?

<p>What makes you special? :D</p>

<p>I don’t wanna sound mean…but there are a lot of amazing applicants on CC…</p>

<p>why hasn’t anyone else on CC gotten a phone call?</p>