Likely letters and scholarships

<p>It's been mentioned a lot here but no one can really come to a consensus. Does getting a likely letter mean you have a better chance at getting a scholarship?? Can anyone from previous years comment?
Can you tell that I'm bored and paranoid ? Haha</p>

<p>same question haha</p>

<p>I think most of the people who are good enough to get scholarships are also good enough to get likely letters, so you’ll find that most people who end up getting Robertson/Morehead/Carolina/Davie etc. also received likely letters. I’m not sure that anyone on this board knows how many likely letters get sent out, so I can’t really say what % of people who get them end up getting scholarships. From personal experience and lots of anecdotal evidence though, I do think that a very high % of people who get scholarships also get likely letters. </p>

<p>Getting a likely letter means that you are a highly qualified, desirable candidate, and it’s those types of people who get scholarships. At the same time, there are a lot more of those people than there are scholarship slots, so getting a likely letter doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to get a scholarship or even that your chances are “good” for one. </p>

<p>Everything I just posted is purely my own speculation, fwiw.</p>