Question about UNC Likely Letter

<p>Read about a lot of EA students getting likely letters this week. Is it a really bad to NOT have gotten one (female OOS, very strong GPA/test scores/ECs, good essays)....</p>

<p>Does anyone know if most of the scholarship candidates get these?
Does anyone know is it possible that applications submitted on the 11/3 due date might still be under review?</p>

<p>a likely letter normally has to do with sports. It is used mostly by the Ivy League schools in order to get recruits. I haven’t heard of anyone getting a likely letter yet. I am also OOS</p>

<p>It’s not a bad sign at all to not get one- Most people who get into UNC don’t get a likely letter.
I don’t think it has much standing in reference to scholarships (from what little I’ve heard)
At this point, I think they’ve all been sent out. But I could be wrong, and they could have more to go.</p>

<p>Take a look at the two likely letter threads going in the main UNC forum. They should be some help as well. :slight_smile:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>A likely letter doesn’t mean scholarship, as far as I know.</p>

<p>If your daughter is being considered for a scholarship, she may or may not know it. Many students who are being considered for the major scholarships (full ride) are contacted and invited to a scholarship day where final decisions (about the merit aid) are made.</p>

<p>On the other hand, some students win scholarships without scholarship day. </p>

<p>So I’m sorry to say that you realy won’t know anything until you know something. Admissions is really impossible to guess at.</p>

<p>I know mid-January seems far, but you and your daughter will make it. I’m sure that it will be worth your wait.</p>

<p>I didn’t get a likely letter and got in.</p>

<p>I got a likely letter in the beginning of December and I’m OOS from California.</p>

<p>Just want to thank everyone for their responses… and for referring me to the other two likely letter threads !!</p>

<p>If anyone with a likely letter reads this, just wondering if you are being recruited for a varsity sport!</p>

<p>Good luck everyone - -and it looks like we’re waiting til the 15th of Jan this year, unfortunately.</p>

<p>I received a likely letter a week ago and live here in NC. A friend of mine at my school received one as well, and neither of us are being recruited for a sport. However, both of us have competitive GPAs, SAT scores above 2000, and good ECs. I heard that there may still be a chance though that students receiving the letters can still be deferred, but more often, I have read that many students who have not received likely letters have still been accepted, so please don’t worry! </p>

<p>Nevertheless, I wish everyone luck for the 15th because I know that we are all eagerly waiting to wear our Carolina blue as true Tar Heels!</p>

<p>i know. I really cannot wait until jan 15. TIME needs to move faster</p>

<p>i’m worried…
two of my best friends, neither of whom are athletes, got letters, both with lower stats than me, some stats significantly so.
i’m an oos white girl from ga…
but then again my two friends are india-indian and hispanic…
would that do it?
oh and one got her letter 3 weeks ago and one hers 2 days ago…
im watching the mailbox!</p>

<p>I didn’t get one and I’m from VA. I’m really worried because my stats were solid for OOS, but the admissions process is much more competitive. :-(</p>

<p>I did get a likely letter, but got it later (12/29) than most people on the UNC boards. But if you don’t get a likely letter, it doesn’t mean too much. UNC accepts ~35% of their applicants. And with 20,000 applicants, that turns into 7000 admits. Lets just say that they have 2,500 admits under the early notification system. Do you really expect them to send 2,500 likely letters? If anything, they sent out a few hundred, not a couple of thousand! So, everyone still has a good shot!</p>

<p>I got my likely letter 12/22, which was kinda late.</p>

<p>Fingers crossed for the 15th…HEELS CLASS OF ONE-THREE BABY!!!</p>

<p>Hey all…But what is OOS?</p>

<p>didn’t get a likely letter, and was deferred. friend received likey letter, accepted with invite to scholarship day, so guess likey letters ARE a sign.</p>

<p>i got got a likely letter and got accepted so i agree!!</p>

<p>did your friend get her invitation to scholarship day with her official decision letter? i haven’t received mine in the mail yet, and i was just wondering if that’s when the invitations come. bc i was accepted as an OOS student, i got a likely letter, and i had a really strong application, and i really just want to know when scholarship day is/when our invitations arrive.</p>

<p>^^ I’m in the same boat. I don’t think we’re getting scholarship day invitations…everyone else got them early December.</p>

<p>are you serious? why would they send out invitations to that before people are even accepted? that doesn’t make any sense.</p>

<p>Yeah, this whole “likely letter” thing is bugging me out.
I got one, but I don’t want to be “YESSSSSSSSS”
because it’s not an acceptance letter…</p>

<p>There’s nothing definite; I’m terribly confused.</p>